Donor Policy

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) deeply values all contributions to sustain our mission. To protect the privacy of our donors we maintain the following policies:

  • We may request personal information online, such as name, address, phone number, email address, and credit card number only for the purposes of accepting donations to MEMRI or for payment of our Global Jihad News.
  • We will not release or use this information for any other purpose.
  • We do not trade or sell your personal information with other organizations.
  • We offer donors the option to be recognized anonymously.
  • Donors may request, at any time, to not receive our solicitations.
  • All MEMRI donor information is stored securely by Convio, an industry leader in non-profit fundraising and CRM. Access to information in Convio is limited to a small number of MEMRI employees, with strong encryption, unique, traceable IDs, regularly imposed password changes, and close control on the access list. Convio's state-of-the-art data storage provides data protection meeting PCI DSS standards.
  • We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of our donor database.
  • MEMRI's Financial information is available upon request. Click here to view the most recent financial information.

Help Fight Extremism - Support MEMRI

MEMRI is a 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax-deductible and kept strictly confidential.