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Jun 26, 2020
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Former Emir Of Qatar Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani Calls President Obama A 'Slave,' Refers To Former Secretary Of State Condoleezza Rice As 'That Black Woman', Says Imam Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab Was His Forefather In Recorded Conversation With Libyan Dictator Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi (Archival)

#10766 | 04:03
Source: Al-Arabiya Network (Dubai/Saudi Arabia)

Al-Arabiya Network (Saudi Arabia) aired on June 26, 2020 a recording of a conversation between the late Libyan Leader Mua'mmar Al-Qadhafi, the former Qatari Emir Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, and former Qatari Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim Al-Thani, in which they discussed regional affairs. Emir Hamad Al Thani called U.S. President Obama a "slave," and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice a "black woman." He said that his family is part of the Wahhab family and that Imam Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab was in fact a forefather of his. Hamad bin Jassim asked Al-Qadhafi for a list of people he does not want to appear on Al-Jazeera TV, and he added that the programming on Al-Jazeera is determined by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Muammar Al-Qadhafi: "When that American [Obama] met you, what did he say?"

Emir Of Qatar Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani: "May Allah curse him, brother. Why are you bothering me with that slave?"

Al-Qadhafi: "You are right. By God, you are right."

Emir Al-Thani: "He is an idiot, Mu'ammar. By Allah, he's an idiot."


Al-Qadhafi: "We should pay attention to this. Within a year, the Saudi royal family will be gone. Within a year, the revolution will break out. The Democrats are in power in America."

Emir Al-Thani: "The Democrats in America are detrimental to Saudi Arabia."

Al-Qadhafi: "They love [Saudi Arabia]?"

Emir Al-Thani: "No, they harm it. I'm responsible for what I'm saying. You can write it down. I speak to the [Americans]. In September, when I went to the United Nations, Condoleezza Rice wanted to see me, but I said: 'no.' She said: 'I'll come to your hotel,' but I said: 'no.' We have a dispute. That 'black woman,' as you call her..."


Al-Qadhafi: "Why are you appeasing Saudi Arabia? What is the secret behind this?"

Emir Al-Thani: "Look, appeasement in the sense that you mean – that's not true. We are trying to see how to make peace between them and Syria. We came at a time when we wanted to make our plans work. Mu'ammar, my brother, don't worry about this.


"The people who are running this are my people. The Wahhabis are my family. Did you know that Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab is my forefather from 16 generations back? We share the Wahhabism with them."

Al-Qadhafi: "And he was from the Tamim tribe."

Emir Al-Thani: "That's right. His ideology unified the Arabian Peninsula."

Al-Qadhafi: "He unified it for the benefit of the Saud clan..."

Emir Al-Thani: "Allah has decreed it and what He willed has happened... There is a lesson to learn here..."

Al-Qadhafi: "Excuse my language, but this means that your forefather was either a fool or was fooled. Otherwise, why didn't he use this religious ideology to build his own rule?"

Former Qatari Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim Al-Thani: "He bought the Hereafter...

Emir Al-Thani: "Maybe it was a mistake... He was looking to unify the Arabs. That is certain. I believe that the countries that have similar views should be the ones who lead the Arab world. Some of them have [these ideas] but they are lazy and apathetic. They only come together for a photo op... But the countries that are active... To tell you the truth, I am pleased that Syria started to think how it can rely on itself."


PM Hamad bin Jassim Al-Thani: "Give us the names of the people you don't want to appear on Al-Jazeera TV. The person who coordinated between you and us is never there when we call him."

Al-Qadhafi: "The agreement is that anyone attacking Libya is not allowed to appear [on Al-Jazeera]. If you want to make a show about Libya that's fine."

PM Al-Thani: "But Hamad bin Thamer [Al-Jazeera's Chairman of the Board of Directors] called the guy called 'Abdallah' six or seven times, but he never called back."

Al-Qadhafi: "I'll talk to him about this."


Al-Qadhafi: "The shows on Al-Jazeera TV are controlled by people from the Muslim Brotherhood."

PM Al-Thani: "I agree with you. This is true."

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