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Jul 13, 2022
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UAE President Mohamed Bin Zayed Addresses The Nation: Our Security And Economy Are Top Priorities; We Will Strengthen Our Position As A Reliable Energy Provider; We Will Advance Peace, Stability In The Region, World

#9693 | 03:59
Source: Online Platforms - "Dubai One on YouTube"

On July 13, 2022, Emirati President Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed, who recently became president after the May 2022 death of his half-brother President Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed, addressed his nation. President Bin Zayed expressed his sorrow at the loss of Sheikh Khalifa and praised his legacy, extending gratitude to world leaders who had expressed their condolences to the UAE. He said that the empowerment, sovereignty, and security of the Emirati people is the nation's top priority, stressing that anything that threatens the UAE will not be tolerated, and he expressed appreciation to the UAE's non-native residents who consider the UAE their second home.

In addition, Bin Zayed said that he extends a hand of friendship to all countries who share the values of peaceful coexistence and mutual respect, and he declared that diversifying the UAE's economy, particularly in the fields of science and technology, is a focus of his. Later in the address, President Bin Zayed said that he will continue Sheikh Khalifa's efforts to strengthen the UAE's role as a global leader by providing humanitarian and other aid all over the world regardless of people's religion or race, and he said that he also strives to consolidate the UAE's position as a reliable provider of energy to the entire world. Finally, he emphasized that the UAE's policies will continue to advance peace and stability in the Middle East and to advocate for "wisdom and cooperation for the good of mankind." The video of the address was posted on the Dubai One YouTube channel.

Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed: "A few weeks ago, we lost our leader, our father, a wise and valued teacher who was loved by everyone.


"Today, we see our nation ranked among the most advanced nations globally, as well as being one of the best places to live and work. This was the vision of the late Sheikh Zayed and our founding fathers, and we thank God for this blessing.


"I extend my gratitude to the leaders of countries around the world who expressed their condolences and sincere sympathies towards the UAE and its people at our time of loss.


"The people of the UAE, and striving to empower them, has always been and continues to be our nation's top priority.


"Our pride in our people is infinite. Equally, we deeply appreciate the valued role of our residents who consider this country their second home.


"The sovereignty and security of the UAE will remain a foundational principle that we will abide with and we will not tolerate anything that could affect it. We extend the hand of friendship to all countries that share our values of peaceful coexistence and mutual respect, to achieve progress and prosperity.


"Brothers and sisters, further diversifying our economy is a key strategic focus of our future plans. 


"Our priorities also include further strengthening our people's capabilities in science and technology, and develop it further to benefit all economic areas and the society.


"Continuing Sheikh Zayed's approach, we will work to strengthen our role among the world's leading countries by providing humanitarian aid, and by continuing to extend a helping hand to communities in need around the world, irrespective of religion or race.

"We will also continue to consolidate our nation's position as a reliable energy provider, and support global energy security as a fundamental driver of global economic growth and development.

"The UAE's policy will continue to champion peace and stability in our region and the wider world, supporting others and advocating for wisdom and cooperation for the good of mankind."

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