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Sep 21, 2021
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Closing Ceremony Of Azerbaijan, Turkey, And Pakistan Joint Military Drill, Titled 'Three Brothers – 2021'

#9124 | 02:10
Source: Online Platforms - "Azeri Minister of Defense on Youtube"

The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan posted a video of the closing ceremony of the Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Pakistan joint drill "Three Brothers – 2021" on its official YouTube account on September 21, 2021. According to the YouTube account, Lt. Gen. Hikmat Mirzayev, Azerbaijan's Special Forces commander, Commander of the Turkish Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Omer Ertugrul Erbakan, and Major General Mumtaz Hussein, Chief of the Security and Anti-Terrorism Department of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan congratulated the participants. The Baku drill was focused on strengthening the ties between the armies of the three countries and combating regional terrorism, it lasted two weeks, and ended on September 20, 2021.


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