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Jun 16, 2024
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Children In West Bank Tulkarm Refugee Camp Celebrate Eid Al-Adha By Brandishing Weapons, Wearing Hamas And Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Headbands, Chant: We Are The Soldiers Of Mohammed Deif

#11179 | 00:53
Source: Online Platforms - "Hamas and Islamic Jihad on Telegram"

In videos posted on Tulkarm Baladna and Tulkarm News on Telegram on June 16, 2024, children in the Tulkarm refugee camp can be seen celebrating the first day of Eid Al-Adha by wearing headbands of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas and brandishing weapons. In one of the videos the children can be seen marching in the streets and chanting: “We are the soldiers of Mohammed Deif.” According to Tulkarm News on Telegram, they are following the commander of the local Hamas Al-Qassam Brigades battalion. In another video, shots are fired while the children brandish weapons.

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