May 23, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11352

Russian Foreign Ministry Diplomatic Academy Pro-Rector: The West 'Will No Longer Be Able To Divide' Russia And China And Try To Dominate Eurasia

May 23, 2024

On May 17, 2024, Russian media outlet Izvestia published an article, titled "A Turning Point Visit," by Oleg Karpovich, pro-rector of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. In the article, Karpovich commented on Russian President Vladimir Putin's state visit to China[1] and stated that the visit demonstrates that the alliance between Russia and China is getting stronger "amid the collapse of the foundation of the world order," which was imposed by the "golden billion" since the end of the Cold War. He added that "the alliance" between Russia and China is "the very embodiment of stability and common sense." Karpovich concluded his article stressing that Russia's key task is not only "to repel" the "attacks" from the United States but also to "turn the notorious unipolarity into a vestige of history."


Below is Karpovich's article:[2]

"The Alliance Between Russia And China Is The Very Embodiment Of Stability And Common Sense"

"Russian President Vladimir Putin's state visit to China comes at the time of fundamental shifts in world politics. The West's strategy of inflicting a demonstrative 'strategic defeat' on Russia in Ukraine has led to the exact opposite results.

"It is the Western countries that are now experiencing the gravest complex crisis as a direct consequence of the hybrid war against the Russian Federation. In the Global South — from Gaza to Haiti — conflicts, which are generated by the longstanding policy of American-European neo-colonialism, are raging. Major international organizations and institutions are bursting at the seams, many of which, due to the efforts of Washington and its allies, have now turned into pure nonentities.

"The foundation of the world order, which since the end of the Cold War has been imposed by the 'golden billion' on all the 'insufficiently progressive humanity' as a means of ensuring its own hegemony and undivided dominance, is disintegrating before our eyes. In these circumstances, the alliance between Russia and China is the very embodiment of stability and common sense, the bridge to the future that helps us to be optimistic about the prospects for global development.

"In the 75 years that have passed since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the USSR and China, our countries have gone through different periods. At one point, due to mistakes made by party leaders on both sides, as well as intrigues of Western countries that sought to split the 'red monolith,' we experienced the heaviest conflict, which we fortunately managed to put into a frozen state in time. Since the early 1970s, the U.S. has skillfully played on bilateral contradictions, trying to pit Beijing and Moscow against each other. It took a long time to overcome this painful legacy and, by and large, it only happened in the 21st century, when political elites — both in Russia and China — realized the disastrous consequences of Western scenarios."

Russia Has To "Turn The Notorious Unipolarity Into A Vestige Of History"

"By travelling to his Chinese friends immediately after his re-election, the Russian president, together with his counterpart, Chinese President Xi Jinping, clearly showed the West that our opponents will no longer be able to divide the two great countries and try to dominate Eurasia. The joint bilateral statement will undoubtedly go down in history as a sweeping and clear program of action to destroy American hegemony.

"This fundamental document, the result of long and painstaking work by diplomats and experts, succinctly characterizes the main threats to our national and international security, caused primarily by the actions of the West, and provides an impressive list of prescriptions for changing the status quo. What is extremely important, Moscow and Beijing do not claim to be demiurges and manipulators, do not seek to take the gradually emptying American place, but only act as advocates and heralds of a fairer and more inclusive world order.

"The fruits of Russian-Chinese activity are already visible in different regions of the planet. Beijing has helped end the standoff between Iran and Saudi Arabia that has poisoned Middle East politics from time immemorial. Russia is bringing peace and tranquility to African countries crippled by the presence of colonial powers. BRICS and SCO are expanding and have become the most attractive platforms for co-operation between Eastern and Southern states that have refused to play by obscure Western 'rules.'

"Of course, there is still much to be done, because our key task is not only to repel attacks from the United States and its underlings, but also to launch processes that will finally turn the notorious unipolarity into a vestige of history. We must both withstand the Western blows and help the West itself to change, accepting the new reality. There are many complexities and challenges ahead.

"However, the powerful start of Vladimir Putin's second presidential term, reflecting his – and the nation's – priorities, demonstrates better than any other words: Moscow has found its optimal path, will steadily follow it, and together with its partners will inevitably achieve its goals. Some would say that, in Beijing, Putin and Xi took only the first steps towards success. But these are steps on a fateful road that is thousands of years long, and neither we nor the Chinese will ever under any circumstances turn away from it."


[2], May 17, 2024.

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