March 20, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11215

Philippines Ambassador To The U.S. Romualdez: 'No One Really Knows How Far China Will Go In Staking Its Claims In The South China Sea; Previously It Was Nine-Dash Line, And Today It Is 10 – Then 11, 12?'

March 20, 2024


China Publishes New South China Sea Map

At the end of August 2023, China published a new map that sparked rage and concern, as it featured a 10-dash line claim to the South China Sea. Thus, it is extending its territorial claims far beyond its recognized Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).[1]

Describing the outrage prompted by the new map, Channel News Asia wrote: "China's Ministry of Natural Resources on Monday (Aug 28) issued the China Standard Map Edition 2023, which lays claims to large swathes of the South China Sea [that are] also disputed by Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines and Brunei, as well as several land areas in India [since the map designates India's northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh as part of China][2] and Russia.

"China's new map also revives the use of a '10-dash' line – with an additional dash to the east of Taiwan – a break with the usual nine-dash line Beijing has been using in recent years to stake its claims over large swathes of the South China Sea. The map has drawn protests from the Indian, Philippine, and Malaysian governments while Indonesia, though not a claimant-state but [which] has its Natunas within the nine-dash-line, has said it is seeking clarity on the issue."[3]

On August 31, 2023, the Philippines stated: "This latest attempt to legitimize China's purported sovereignty and jurisdiction over Philippine features and maritime zones has no basis under international law." It was also reported that the Philippines demanded that Beijing adhere to The Hague Tribunal's ruling of 2016, which dismissed China's claim to sovereignty over the South China Sea.[4]

In addition, Philippines Defense Secretary Gilbert Teodoro Jr. stressed that the 10-dash line shown in the 2023 edition of Beijing's standard national map is unequivocal proof of its expansionist policy in the South China Sea: "That is proven by the new administrative map where they added another dash line. That is the best evidence of their expansionist agenda – to dominate the whole South China Sea and perhaps beyond."[5]

Recently, as tensions between China and the Philippines increase due to Beijing's aggressive actions in the West Philippine Sea, Philippines Ambassador to the U.S. Jose Manuel "Babe" del Gallego Romualdez also discussed the problem with China's new 10-dash map. He wrote in the media outlet Philippine Star[6]: "Last year, China came out with their so-called standard national map that features a 10-dash-line – one additional dash more than its previous nine-dash line – just a week after Chinese president Xi Jinping said 'hegemonism is not in China's DNA' – which drew protests among nations that include India, Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines that rejected the sweeping claim. And as I pointed out during my speaking engagement at the Consular Corps of the Philippines – no one really knows how far China will go in staking its claims in the South China Sea. Previously it was nine, and today it is 10 – then 11, 12? As claimant nations, we can talk about our conflicting claims but we absolutely cannot allow a single country to claim the entire area."

He added: "But while the Philippines renounces war as an instrument of foreign policy, it does not mean that we will not defend ourselves. We will respond with everything we've got if another country attacks us. And as we modernize our armed forces to achieve a credible defense posture, we take comfort in the wisdom of our past leaders after World War II – the 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty with the United States. Today, there are many other nations that share the same values and recognize that our sovereignty as a nation is indisputable."

(Source: Japan Forward)

The new map published in late August 2023 by China (Source: Global Times, CCP mouthpiece)

"China recently issued the China Standard Map Edition 2023, which lays claims over large swathes of the South China Sea also disputed by Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines and Brunei, as well as several land areas in India and Russia. New map reasserts China's claim of Taiwan, overlaps territory with India, Malaysia, Vietnam, Russia and others." (Source:

China's Embassy: Philippines Envoy Is "Serving As Mouthpiece For Another Country" – i.e The U.S.

It is worth noting that Ambassador Romualdez was recently attacked by the Chinese Embassy in Manila after he stated that while the U.S. rightly views a possible conflict in Taiwan as "serious concerns," the "real flashpoint is the West Philippine Sea" given "all of these skirmishes happening there."[7] Ambassador Romualdez expressed his concerns also in an article, published in the media outlet Philippine Star, in which he stated: "Many of us believe the real flashpoint is the West Philippine Sea. The aggression we face today is very real because China will not let up on its over-expansive claims in our territorial waters. With all the dangerous maneuvers that are happening, one major accident could trigger the US or the Philippines to invoke the Mutual Defense Treaty – which is why we just have to hope that every morning when President Xi wakes up, he will say, 'today is not the day.'"[8]

In response to these remarks, the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines spokesperson accused Ambassador Romualdez of serving as a U.S. "mouthpiece": "Bringing in outside forces and forming 'small circles' will not help resolve disputes in the South China Sea, but only complicate the regional situation, undermine regional peace and stability, and backfire on its own security. For those who habitually pay lip service, whether their promises will be kept this time is for all to wait and see. We urge the said individual to stop spreading erroneous 'China threat' and 'Sinophobia' remarks, refrain from serving as mouthpiece for another country and do more for the benefit of his own people and his country's relations with China instead."[9]

On the same day, the Embassy of the Philippines in Washington D.C. published a communiqué in response to China's accusations stating the following:

"The Philippine Embassy in Washington, D.C. rejects the recent remarks made by the Chinese Embassy in Manila regarding Ambassador Jose Manuel Romualdez.

"Ambassador Jose Manuel Romualdez is not a mouthpiece for 'another country' nor he is spreading 'erroneous China threat and Sinophobia remarks.' His statements regarding the developments in the South China Sea have been consistent with the position expressed by the Philippine Government's highest officials, particularly regarding the threat posed by unlawful, aggressive and provocative actions of the Chinese Coast Guard and Chinese maritime militia against Philippine vessels and personnel and Filipino fishermen. Such actions include the use of lasers, water cannons, and other dangerous maneuvers in violation of international maritime regulations.

"Moreover, conflating Philippine efforts to defend its territorial and maritime entitlements with serving the interests of another country negates the Philippines' legitimate rights and interests to protect and defend our nation's sovereignty, sovereign rights, and jurisdiction in the West Philippine Sea, and the Philippine Government will not stand for it.

"The Philippines consistently maintains its respect and support for, and commitment to an international rules-based order, particularly the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and the 2016 Arbitral Award, and will continue to work closely with likeminded partners in this regard."[10]

Philippine Ambassador to the U.S. Jose Manuel "Babe" del Gallego Romualdez (Source: Philippine Star)


Below is one of the most recent articles by Philippines Ambassador to The U.S. Romualdez in the Philippine Star, criticizing China's aggressive behavior against Philippine vessels and the CCP's hegemonic ambitions in the South China Sea:[11]

China's Actions In The West Philippine Sea Are 'Disgusting'

"The recent incident involving China Coast Guard ships and one of our supply boats is yet again another example of the disgraceful, dangerous and aggressive behavior that shows China's propensity to doublespeak.

"Last Tuesday [March 5, 2024], Philippine civilian vessel Unaiza May 4 was on a resupply mission carrying food, water and other provisions for troops stationed on the BRP Sierra Madre in Ayungin Shoal [the dilapidated warship that serves as a Philippine Navy outpost at Ayungin Shoal][12] when two [Chinese Coast Guard] CCG vessels blasted it with water cannons, shattering the windows and injuring four crew members as well as Western Command chief Vice Admiral Alberto Carlos, who sustained some cuts and bruises.

"Shortly thereafter, the Chinese Coast Guard dispatched a rigid-hull inflatable boat that began to circle the damaged boat as if to obstruct the pathway of a vessel dispatched by the Philippine Coast Guard to provide medical assistance to the injured Filipino personnel.

"This latest incident is only one of the many aggravating moves heightening the tension in the West Philippine Sea, with Filipinos seething at the incessant bullying and harassment by Chinese Coast Guard and maritime militia vessels that are deliberately conducting dangerous and provocative maneuvers. Many are finding their voice in the statement of Defense Secretary Gilbert Teodoro, who described the actions of China in the West Philippine Sea as 'downright uncivilized' – and, I might add, disgusting.

This photo taken on March 5, 2024 shows a China Coast Guard vessel deploying a water cannon at the Philippine military chartered Unaizah May 4 (C) during its supply mission to Second Thomas Shoal in the disputed South China Sea. The Philippines said on March 5 that China Coast Guard vessels caused two collisions with Philippine boats and water cannoned one of them, leaving four crew injured during a resupply mission in the South China Sea. (Source: Philippine Star)

This aerial photograph taken from a military aircraft shows the dilapidated Sierra Madre ship of the Philippine Navy anchored near Ayungin shoal (Second Thomas Shoal) with Philippine soldiers on-board to secure the perimeter in the Spratly group of islands in the South China Sea, west of Palawan, on May 11, 2015. The Spratlys are considered a potential Asian flashpoint, and claimant nations including the Philippines have expressed alarm as China has embarked on massive reclamation activity. (Source:

'China Came Out With Their So-Called Standard National Map That Features A 10-Dash-Line'

"The hostile actions of the Chinese vessels were witnessed by Associated Press journalists aboard BRP Sindangan, who captured the moment when the CCG vessel sideswiped the Philippine Coast Guard ship in a 'tense and dangerous moment.'

"In typical fashion, China gave a version of the incident that was totally different, claiming that it was the Philippine vessels that were 'illegally trespassing' in Ayungin Shoal – which is well within the Philippines' exclusive economic zone – saying that the China Coast Guard actions were 'professional, restrained, reasonable and lawful' when in reality, the unprovoked actions and the dangerous maneuvers of the Chinese vessels have caused harm and endangered the lives of Filipino personnel, in blatant disregard of international law.

"Secretary Teodoro blasted Beijing's 'propaganda mechanisms… to justify their illegal acts against Philippine vessels on their so-called 'indisputable' claim over most of the South China Sea' and taking great pains to mischaracterize their provocations as lawful under international law – a claim that no right thinking state in the world would agree with, he added.

"Last year, China came out with their so-called standard national map that features a 10-dash-line – one additional dash more than its previous nine-dash line – just a week after Chinese president Xi Jinping said 'hegemonism is not in China's DNA' – which drew protests among nations that include India, Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines that rejected the sweeping claim.

"And as I pointed out during my speaking engagement at the Consular Corps of the Philippines – no one really knows how far China will go in staking its claims in the South China Sea. Previously it was nine, and today it is 10 – then 11, 12? As claimant nations, we can talk about our conflicting claims but we absolutely cannot allow a single country to claim the entire area.

"In my remarks during the recently concluded Track 2 Dialogue on Quad Plus Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific organized by the Center for New American Security, I said the Philippines has consistently maintained that the South China Sea dispute is not the sum of our bilateral relationship with China. We are close neighbors with hundreds, if not thousands, of years of exchanges between our two peoples.

"We must, therefore, be able to manage our dispute without resorting to the use of force. However, China's actions for many years now – becoming more pronounced recently – have had destabilizing effects in the region and increased the risk of an outbreak of conflict among the claimants.

(Source: X)

'We Will Respond With Everything We've Got If Another Country Attacks Us'

"We are committed to fostering defense and security cooperation with like-minded partners, not to confront China directly, but to deter our neighbor in the North from taking escalatory actions that could potentially usher in a third World War, spelling the end of the world.

"But while the Philippines renounces war as an instrument of foreign policy, it does not mean that we will not defend ourselves. We will respond with everything we've got if another country attacks us. And as we modernize our armed forces to achieve a credible defense posture, we take comfort in the wisdom of our past leaders after World War II – the 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty with the United States. Today, there are many other nations that share the same values and recognize that our sovereignty as a nation is indisputable.

"We have been working hard to strengthen relations and expand cooperation with many countries all over the world. We have elevated bilateral relations with Australia to a strategic partnership; we have convened our 5th Philippines-India Joint Commission on Bilateral Cooperation; we have agreed to accelerate negotiations on a Reciprocal Access Agreement with Japan with whom we are enjoying particularly robust relations; and our relationship with the United States is on "hyperdrive" with great potential for more cooperation, especially in the economic sphere as seen in the US Presidential Trade and Investment Mission led by Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo which will arrive tomorrow.

"Instead of utilizing its significant resources to foster mutual economic prosperity, it's unfortunate that a giant country like China resorts to aggressive behavior in order to assert its over-expansive claims that have spawned criticism from the international community. If there is anyone that is paying lip service to maintaining peace and stability in the region, it is unquestionably China.

"Nothing could best describe it better than in one line: Actions speak louder than words."


[1], July 28, 2020.

[2] See MEMRI Daily Brief No. 538, China's Silent War Against India, by Rudam Azad, November 6, 2023.

[3], August 31, 2023.

[4], September 5, 2023.

[5], September 11, 2023.

[6], March 10, 2024.

[7], March 3, 2024.

[8] See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 11191, Philippine Ambassador To The U.S. Romualdez: 'The Aggression We Face Today Is Very Real Because China Will Not Let Up On Its Over-Expansive Claims In Our Territorial Waters', March 11, 2024;, March 3, 2024.

[9], March 3, 2024.

[10], March 3, 2024.

[11], March 10, 2024.

[12], November 1, 2023.

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