August 30, 2022 Special Dispatch No. 10171

Algerian Investigative Media Outlet: Chief Rabbi Of France Wants Algeria-Born Jews To Return To Algeria

August 30, 2022

On August 25, 2022, French President Emmanuel Macron started a three-day visit to Algeria to help mend ties between France and Algeria, which became tense after Macron questioned the existence of Algeria as a nation before the French colonization.[1] This year marks the 60th anniversary of Algeria's independence.

Macron was accompanied on the visit by a 90-person delegation. France's chief rabbi Haim Korsia, the son of Algerian-born Jews, was meant to be part of the delegation. However, Korsia withdrew from the trip after testing positive for COVID-19 and following hostile reactions to his possible visit, including reactions from Algerian Islamist politician Abderrazak Makri, the head of the Muslim Brotherhood affiliated MSP,[2] and from Algerian social media users.

Two days before the visit, the French-language Algerian investigative media outlet Algerie Part published an article titled "The Chief Rabbi Of France Wants The Return Of Jews Born In Algeria," saying that Haim Korsia dreams of making "Algerian Jews" return to Algeria.

Following are excerpts.[3]

"The Chief Rabbi of France, Haïm Korsia, of Algerian origin, is very impatient to finally visit Algeria, a country that has fascinated him since his childhood and about which he has read many ‘books and press articles,' this influential Jewish official said in an interview broadcast this Tuesday, August 23....

"The Chief Rabbi of France, Haïm Korsia, expressed his happiness at the prospect of flying to the homeland of his parents and ancestors. His parents were born respectively in Tlemcen and Oran... He said he hoped that this visit will be the trigger that will allow for the return of all Jews born in Algeria, or whose parents are of Algerian origin. The Chief Rabbi of France also hopes that Jews with relatives buried in Algerian Jewish cemeteries will be able to return as often as possible to Algeria to pray on their graves

"Haïm Korsia also expressed his wish to see the Jewish community of Algerian origin, established in France, reconnect with their native country by restoring soothing relations based on the reconciliation of memories. The Chief Rabbi of France finally said that he will not be able to go to Oran and Tlemcen, the places of birth of his parents. But he assured that he will soon return to Algeria (...)."


[1], August 25, 2022.

[2] The "Mouvement de la société pour la paix" (MSP) translates into, The movement of  society for peace. "

[3] "Le grand rabbin de France souhaite le retour de tous les juifs nés en Algérie, Algerie Part, August 23, 2022,, August 23, 2022.

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