Move Over Google! There Are Some New Search Tools In Town

Move Over Google! There Are Some New Search Tools In Town

Google has long been the end-all, be-all of search engines. Although we cannot question the efficiency and reliability that Google has as a search engine we must recognize that times are changing. Users are more educated and vigilant than ever and the more educated you are the more innovative you can become. Moreover, recent data privacy concerns from established companies like Google and Meta have consumers resorting to other channels to get their information.

So who are the competitors eating away at Google’s market share? and what are the advantages and disadvantages to their use?


Example of ChatGPT use 1

No shocker here. ChatGPT is the new kid on the block that the old dogs are intimidated by (except for Microsoft who has made a $1 billion investment in OpenAI recently) but that is another topic. Basically, ChatGPT is a key player and its here to stay.

Advantages: ChatGPT can interact with users in a conversational manner which can feel very human. If you were to ask it a query such as in the example above it will provide you with a detailed explanation right away. This can feel like a breath of fresh air compared to the paid websites you are bombarded with on Google and it can decrease your confusion by providing you with one singular answer. In a world where our minds are cluttered with excess information this is something we desperately need. However, the accuracy of said information provided by ChatGPT remains a point of discussion.

chat gpt example 2

Disadvantages: AI models such as ChatGPT use a process much like the autocomplete function on your phone to build responses one word at a time. They do not have access to the internet in real time. This is why when I asked ChatGPT for a list of Asian restaurants near me (Don’t judge me its almost lunch) it failed to do what Google would have done along with location and delivery options.


Another platform that has generated countless copycats is TikTok. TikTok has been facing relentless competition and sanctions due to its agile ability to scale and innovate. Furthermore, people and creators alike just love TikTok because it actually cares about the success of others. TikTok has provided creators endless opportunities to make bank from their talent and creativity rather than rip their content off for free and repurpose for their own gain.

Advantages: You can literally look up a “How to” on anything you want to learn and find a video for 60 seconds or less on that topic. With our busy schedules video content this is a lifesaver. TikTok will have 834.3 million monthly users worldwide in 2023, according to Insider Intelligence’s forecast.

Disadvantages: Unlike my previous example you can easily find restaurants, museums or anything you are looking for on TikTok. For example you can be specific using #dinnerspotsinparis and find a list of videos with restaurants that are hidden gems at times but the issue is its more time consuming while Google is better for a quick information fix.

In Closing

Image of the Google app

It is natural that in a fast paced business world big players can face unexpected competition that rattles the way they perform. However, it is also up to great companies like Google to strategize, be ten steps ahead and work hard to maintain their competitive edge. So what do you think? or do you already prefer a search engine that is different than Google?

About Me

My name is Rawan Al Sayed and welcome to my business blog! Join me as I write about business related stories that inspire, inform and entertain.

Currently, I am pursuing my masters in business administration at The University of Paris-Saclay and I will finish classes in March of 2023. My previous work experience includes social media account management, copywriting for social/websites/blogs/newsletters/press releases, influencer marketing, data reporting/analytics and client servicing.

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