AI Tools To Help Automate Your Digital Marketing Efforts

AI Tools To Help Automate Your Digital Marketing Efforts

AI Tools To Help Automate Your Digital Marketing Efforts

Marketing automation tools are here to stay and a wise marketer knows that in order to be ahead of the curve they must play along. A recent study indicates that 53% of B2B organizations implement marketing automation, and 37% plan to implement it. Integrating these tools into your digital marketing strategies can do wonders for your content, lead generation and they can help you streamline different activities to simplify your workflow. 

Who Can Use AI Tools For Digital Marketing

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Writers: In a corporate or agency setting this extends to employees working in the communications and marketing departments. AI tools can help you overcome writer’s block with suggestions, help you structure your writing by providing frameworks and cut down time you spend on redundant tasks so you can focus on what matters…Honing your creative gifts!

Sales Representatives: If you work in sales you have all my respect…hitting those targets and handling that pressure is a challenge but with AI tools you can generate a sales pitch and forward tons of emails with minimal effort.

Data Analysts: AI tools can help generate reports or visualizations based on machine learning that can help you come to the best summaries and recommendations for your clients.

Customer Service Representatives: Chatbots are all the rage and can help take the edge off from dealing with a large inflow of customer complaints. However, having worked in this field I believe a human approach is always important which is why hiring personnel to monitor that these chatbots are operating at a high level is integral.

Here are some tools to help with your automation strategy:

Vista Social For Powerful Social Media Copy

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Not only is Vista Social free but this tool allows you to create new captions, choose the tone for your content and paraphrase your ideas. It can also allow you to build a monthly content calendar in no time! Another great feature is that the platform generates relevant hashtags for you to increase your reach.

ChatGPT For Impactful Blog Posts

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Blog articles are a great way for a business to highlight its expertise and added value to the market. However, every marketing department knows that compiling, editing and publishing this content this is a tedious process. So why not use ChatGPT to cut down steps from the process but make sure that relevant stakeholders review the content generated.

Semrush For SEO Driven Content

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SEO marketing, or simply SEO, is a type of digital marketing that optimizes web pages for search engines like Google. Semrush is the perfect platform for pairing SEO content with your digital marketing efforts. For a free trial, the tool allows you to discover the top keywords your competitors use, provides you with an SEO writing assistant, and allows you to view content ideas for any topic you input. Note: You can do this using the free trial!

Grammarly To Optimize The Editing Process

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You have probably come across a YouTube ad for this platform at some point in your life. However, Grammarly is a user-friendly platform that edits your content in real time. Although they do have a pesky new premium feature at €12/month while it was free before. But it can give you professional error free content for all your marketing efforts.

DeepL For More Human Translations

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So DeepL claims it the “world’s most accurate translator” and honestly as an expat living in France I agree. This platform has helped me when I first arrived in my daily life in Paris. The difference between DeepL and Google translate is that the first is less literal and takes context into consideration. This is incredibly important when you are translating content in an international setting as to not come across as ignorant or robotic…ironically.

In Closing

Here is a quote I love from multinational advertising agency DDB’s “Uncreative Agency” website. This is the first advertising agency powered by Open.AI:

“ First, they ignore you. That’s what the creative industry has been doing with AI for the past 5 years of its rapid development.

Then, they laugh at you. This is where most of the creative industry is now. Talking endlessly about how silly ChatGPT is and how boring and uncreative its outputs are and how they will never be any good because “AI doesn’t really feel anything and doesn’t get goosebumps”.

And then… then we have a choice. We can either fear it, fight it and eventually let it win. Or we can embrace it, use it, tune it, train it, co-create with it. And win together.

About Me

My name is Rawan Al Sayed and welcome to my business blog that has slowly transformed into a marketing blog! Join me as I write about marketing related stories that inspire, inform and entertain.

Currently, I am pursuing my masters in business administration at The University of Paris-Saclay and I will finish classes in March of 2023. My previous work experience includes social media account management, copywriting for social/websites/blogs/newsletters/press releases, influencer marketing, data reporting/analytics and client servicing.

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Rawan Al Sayed Awesome! Thanks for Sharing! 🤖


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