Intrepid Miami journalist

Intrepid Miami journalist

Introduction: When you're a free agent navigating toward your next career chapter, it's important to refresh your goals to help you evaluate opportunities and decide which to explore.

It's healthy, too, to take a risk and submit your resume for certain positions that match most, but not all of your criteria. It also can be rewarding to retain flexibility and the courage to compete for a job that's a great match for your professional experience and talents, yet involves adapting to something related to the role you had wanted to avoid.

Enticing possibility: Recently, I've encountered such an opportunity. Think there's value for other professionals, in similar scenarios, if I elaborate about the unfolding circumstances. Initially, after learning about this open journalism leadership position, the job description instantly appealed as a clear fit for me. And I knew the news organization had a long legacy of delivering excellent local journalism and its financial foundation remained strong.

The hesitancy: Still, I hesitated and pondered whether to apply because ultimately it'd require a relocation to a region of the country that wasn't my preference at this juncture of my life and career. My ideal next career chapter included continuing to work either here in South Florida or someplace along the East Coast, preferably farther north closer to family. As a Philadelphia-area native, I'd certainly welcome another remote position but am willing to relocate for a highly desirable job.

After giving myself a week to carefully research and think about this emerging opportunity outside my geographic parameters, I realized it really provided a golden chance to put decades of skills, capabilities and experience to purposeful use.

Jumping into the competition: Furthermore, the challenging position certainly included innovation, collaboration, coaching, the chance to help lead necessary operational changes to grow the audience and better serve it. These aspects of an editor role are what I find most attractive. Know the positive results from previous editing positions at the Miami Herald and earlier in the San Francisco Bay Area, Chicago, Philadelphia and Houston.

Therefore, I changed my mind and jumped into the competition for the coveted opening with a market-leading media company located in an area of the country where I'd actually previously worked.

Scoring interviews: I'm proceeding to dig deeper to learn more about the company's evolving strategy, mission and people. Since I've already had two interviews, can say I'm happy to have pushed myself to be more openminded regarding the workplace location. Can also confirm, from what I'm learning in the recruiting process, indeed this would be a job I'd love to perform for many reasons.

Since I'm in the midst of the competition, I'm going to hold back revealing more specifics even though I understand anyone reading this wants to know. Please stay tuned and watch this space.

Here's my final observations on this developing scenario and story. Vying for a high-quality management position always adds great value to your free agency, as you strive to land at your next career destination. To the degree that you are willing to take a prudent or smart risk when it comes to your career management, you'll eventually be rewarded.

Must play to win: In the end, until you enter the ring of competition you have no chance of winning ... at anything. Realize that if I'm fortunate to score this or any job offer, it's up to me to negotiate the scope of responsibilities and financial terms. Only then the ball is back in my hands, or it would be in yours under a similar situation, to finally accept or reject the offer.

Thank you for reading. Hope you'll continue this journey with me to my next career chapter. Please feel free to connect on LinkedIn or on Substack, or at to offer your thoughts, suggestions and job leads.

Loretta Worters

Vice President at Insurance Information Institute


Very creative, Paul! Wishing you great luck in either this or other career opportunities!


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