How to write a letter of introduction with a writer’s help
Antonio Guillern via Shutterstock

How to write a letter of introduction with a writer’s help

A letter of introduction is a powerful tool.

If it’s well written, it can help you land a job, win new customers, start a business or advance in your career.

Here’s how to work with a professional writer in crafting a succinct, notable and persuasive letter of introduction.

What is a letter of introduction?

As its title suggests, a letter of introduction is to introduce yourself. To a prospective employer or customer or someone else.

But it’s more than that.

It’s to engage whomever you’re writing to.

And to start building a relationship with them.

A relationship that could help lead to a new job or customer or whatever else you want to accomplish.

Other uses

You can also write letters of introduction to help others.

You could write a letter to introduce someone at a business to someone at another business.

Or to introduce someone to a prospective employer or customer.

Or help in other ways.

Different from a cover letter

A letter of introduction differs from a cover letter in that it’s a standalone piece.

A cover letter, as the name suggests, is a letter that goes with something else such as a resume or job application.

Should you write a letter of introduction?

Suppose you’re thinking of writing a letter to introduce yourself (rather than someone else).

Before you decide whether to write the letter, consider the larger picture.

The letter is a means — but not the only means — of building relationships.

You already have a network of people who know you.

And can introduce you to people you want to meet.

Furthermore, you can expand your network through social media, presentations to business groups, attending industry events and many other ways.

The question is, what can a letter of introduction do for you that your other ways of connecting with people cannot?

Why hire a writer?

You could write a letter of introduction yourself.

And it might be a pretty good letter.

But good isn’t good enough.

It has to be an exceptional letter.

A letter that actually gets read.

Instead of tossed into a “save” file (and forgotten) or trashed.

A letter that starts a conversation with the person you’re writing to.

And a writer can help you write that letter.

A letter that gets results.

Finding a writer

In today’s broad and deep market for writing talent, you can find and hire just the right writer to help you write your letter of introduction.

Many writers have experience in writing letters of introduction — whether to introduce themselves or to help their clients with introductions.


What’s your purpose?

Before you start work on the letter, be clear about what you want to accomplish.

Do you want to write to a specific employer about a job?

Or maybe write to the leading employers in an industry?

Are you prospecting for new customers for your startup business?

Are you a freelancer looking for work?

Are you seeking advice from someone?

Talk with your writer about your purpose. So you’re both clear about your goal.

Examples of letters

Look at examples of letters of introduction.

They may give you ideas about how to write your letter.

You can find some examples for specific industries or professions online.

Also, your writer may be able to provide examples — or know how to find them.

Ask your business associates, colleagues and friends if they can provide examples.

Learn as much as you can about the results.

Did a letter help the sender to start a conversation with a hiring manager? Or a prospective client? Achieve other objectives?

What worked? And, equally important, what didn’t?

Content of your letter

Your letter of introduction should be short, succinct and to the point.

It should:

  • say why you’re writing,
  • explain what you have to offer,
  • tell why you’re qualified,
  • say how to learn more about you (e.g., visit your web site or social media profile) and
  • suggest a followup: talk on the phone, exchange emails, meet in person or otherwise connect.

Writing the letter

Writing a letter of introduction is a simple process — it doesn’t have to be complicated.

1. You and your writer discuss the content of your letter.

2. Under your guidance, your writer writes a draft of the letter.

3. You review it and give the writer your comments.

4. The writer creates a revised draft that incorporates your comments.

5. You review and comment on the revised draft. At this point, you should have only minor changes.

6. The writer finalizes the letter.

Letter template

You can use your letter as a template in sending other letters — for example, to hiring managers or other people at companies in the same industry.

You’d customize the letter for each company, but you don’t have to start from scratch.

A writer could help you with this.


Don’t overlook the letter of introduction as a marketing tool.

It can help you market yourself — your skills, talents and experience.

Or market your company’s products or services.

It can complement your networking and other ways of connecting with prospective employers, customer or others.

It can also be used to help others and, in the process, build good will with them.

And if you do decide to write a letter of introduction, a writer can help you craft one that gets results.










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