The emotions you represent today, will define you long after the worms have had their feast.

The emotions you represent today, will define you long after the worms have had their feast.

Make no mistake about that statement.

The emotions you represent today, will define you long after the worms have had their feast.

Whether you believe, want or wish to create a legacy for yourself, there is no escape in how emotions define and represent us, not just long after we're gone but immediately after we leave the room!

What you represent today is not so much about what it is you do (though important) or so much about the position you hold, but how others feel when they are in your presence, when represented by you, or critically what they feel about you when you're not around.

So I ask you, what will people remember you by when they reminisce about the presence you once had or currently have in their lives?

How does that make you feel?

If you're not proud of it, well what are you prepared to do about it?

But Ramy, with the work I do it's almost impossible for this happen.

Often times in our careers and in our professions, these feelings are suppressed. I understand. In certain situations, no matter how much we'd like others to know us and understand us in the way we view ourselves, the environment that we're in does not permit it to be so.

I get it but that does not mean we stay motionless in a stationary state of mind.

Ugh. Heck no!

If it does bother you, than something should be done. At some point something will change - either through an external force or you yourself may have to come to the realization that:

"I am not able to allow those around me to continue to perceive me as someone that I am not. That is not cool, not healthy, not representative of me... not right ."

How can you alter these emotions through a process?

Reflect -> Realize -> Reassess -> Realign (if necessary) -> Reflect (again) -> Reform

So many R's Ramy...(damn it that's another one)! I'm sorry it's my brain!

Reflect on the kind of contributor, boss, mentor, leader, business owner, manager, sibling, spouse, father/mother, teacher, son/daughter, or even friend you've been. Consider the emotions that you have impressed upon those around you.

Realize the impact you have made by comparing those emotions to the ones you attribute personally to yourself. I will also add here to realize the importance of this and how imperative it is to be honest with yourself.

Reassess whether those emotions are aligned to the reputation and future legacy you would like to leave instilled amongst those you impact, work with, engage, and interact with every day.

Realign your actions & behavior with the emotions you've decided are a better representation of yourself.

Reflect again. Are you sure? How are you sure? What are we measuring to make sure that we are in fact sure. Think KPI's, think SMART objectives...well just think good old fashioned "smart" and head back to Realize again to ensure the quality and accuracy of your true understanding here.

Reform. Yes it can be done. Just ask Uncle & Ebenezer Scrooge.

It's never too late. Unless of course you're not able to read this (you departed too soon!). You certainly know what I mean.

And you can reform so long as you don't think of reform as some bureacratic governmental institution - even if your life does feel like one.


We are all emotions in human form. Ideas, thoughts, truths.

So I ask you again.

What do you want YOU to be remembered by? Rest assured, it'll be the emotion you have most consistently exhibited over the course of your life.

Take time with this. It's not a notification and instant change or a swipe of the screen or a brush of's your's your life. Also, I really believe it has a lot to do with your happiness too.

Video Recap:

I truly hope that you make time to think about this. With all the madness in this world, I challenge you to strive towards things you can change.

What emotion would you like others to perceive YOU as?

Send me message, give me a call, shoot me an email, or simply write it down someplace to remind you of what you're really working towards and why it matters.

Yours sincerely,

Ramy Ballout

Founder at Ramy Ballout Coaching & AirLinked.

Dr. Harinda K

Innovation | Data & Digital | AI Policy


Absolutely love and agree with this advice. I like the parallel you have made here and encounter this all the time when coaching/giving advice. People are incredibly perceptive and the wrong twitch of emotion, distractedness etc can really sway an interaction. And impressions matter. Managing emotions is our responsibility.

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