My level of conviction is the first prescription to create a new reality from fiction.

My level of conviction is the first prescription to create a new reality from fiction.

This topic is amongst my favorites because it relates to all of us in our constant attempts at creating a better more fulfilling reality for ourselves.

Before we get going, I hope you're up for practicing a nice little exercise I do with some of my clients.

Since you're reading, when I get to the question I'll be asking in just a moment, I want you to then stop reading for a minute and think deeply about the question. Deal?

First, I want you to relax. Wiggle around in your seat, sit or stand up straight, roll your shoulders (not your eyes for those who are currently skeptical) and take a deep breath.

Now before you close your eyes, think about this question.


"What did you want to be when you were growing up?"

Ramy that doesn't take any deep thought, it came straight to my mind.

Good ;) Here's the real question now.

"Think of the reasons why you believed you wanted to be that 'person' or be in that profession at the time in which you decided."

Close your eyes and think about that for me. See you in a minute...

...don't cheat...close your eyes!

...okay welcome back.

It's not every day we get asked that question and yet I believe that question contains hidden secrets to some of our most intrinsic values that we hold near and dear to our hearts - some of which are our convictions that we still (although buried underneath years of layers) are still present within us today.

The power of our convictions were so strong at the time that even if we didn't turn out to be the exact person or professional we wanted to be when growing up (most of us didn't), we still can remember very clearly who or what we thought it was going to be because of our convictions at the time.

When was the last time you held such powerful convictions in your life and what were they about?

Was it a product you wanted to share with the world? A company whose vision directly aligned with your own? Was it a leadership role that you could visualize yourself in? Perhaps it was moving to a city you always knew you could thrive in. Was it starting a family? Or was it venturing out unconventionally on your own that would lead you to a more fulfilling kind of life?

Whatever your convictions are today, I implore you bring them to light by writing them down.

Yes, that's right. Write them down.

Oh yes and for those who are reading one of my articles for the very first time, invest in a whiteboard before you invest in anything else. Seriously. It's the best thing you can do for yourself. Keep it somewhere you can see the following day and use it to write down thoughts and ideas that come to mind from an article like this or whatever else might tickle your fancy.

...back to the topic.

So why do I want you to write down your convictions? Well for one they are indeed quite telling about how you've based a lot of the decisions you've made in life and perhaps how you've measured yourself accordingly to the standards you set out for yourself.

And for those who are asking or wondering about convictions changing over time, the answer is certainly "YES" convictions do change over time similar to how our values change over time as well.

I do want you to think of at least one conviction that you have now identified and ask yourself how strong that conviction is for you.

Does it at all relate to the role you wanted to be growing up? If it does, that means it's been a constant for you and still going strong. If it doesn't that's fine too!

Do one of your convictions play out in your current profession or how you live your life?

How about a conviction that you feel very strongly about and one which could be much more present and in practice in the way you conduct yourself for an upcoming decision you need to make or have been putting off in your life? Is there some room for thought there?

More importantly, how does this all sound so far? I hope it's caught your interest. Read on for what I think are some very useful and relevant insights...


It's the level and intensity of our convictions taking part in our daily lives that bring our ideas to fruition.

The level of our convictions are very much aligned to creating or even resurrecting an idea, an action, a thought, a habit, or perhaps a way of life that we have been longing for or one that has been dormant for quite some time.

Do not dismiss your convictions even if your current situation may not allow them to thrive in the way you would want them to.

Instead ask yourself how you can begin the process of identifying opportunities, albeit a bit small at first and perhaps even insignificant at first glance, but real steps to see those convictions take part in your daily life.

But what if my convictions aren't healthy for me Ramy? I've got demons I'm grappling with every day. What then coach?

I understand completely.

At my coaching practice, I have the opportunity to interact with incredibly talented professionals and amazing personalities (people just like you!).

Some of the smallest ways we can bring forth positive convictions are situational.

For example:

  • I'm not sure I even have close to what it takes to make this a success.

Despite the uncertainty, I can and will to make the very best out of this challenge.

  • I have no idea how I am going to go into this interview and articulate my previous experiences.

Practice is the mother of all skill. I know that. So I'm going to practice like it's Armageddon, record and listen to my voice, get some feedback and go in there with all I've got!

  • I've just been promoted and yet I know absolutely nothing about leadership.

I've been promoted because my employers believe in me, I'll make some mistakes and get help along the way, but I know I was born to lead one day and this is an opportunity to prove myself.

  • I raised a bunch of money on a premise and promise that I am not even sure about.

I commit to being honest and transparent with my investors no matter what the cost is. Honesty and integrity reign supreme.

  • What on Earth got me to say yes to this project when I feel that I'm nowhere near qualified to do it?

I committed to this project because I knew I was up for the challenge. I will see things as they are and go in confident with my strengths.

  • How is my idea going to withstand the incredibly fierce competition that already exists?

Stressing about something before it is necessary is to stress about something more than it is necessary.

  • I was just lucky. No more, no less. Lucky.

If I was in fact lucky, I know that with constant persistence I created the opportunity for luck to find me!

A powerful conviction can and does very much play a part in the way we view our world, our interactions with the people in it, and how we live our lives. There's no question about that.

...BUT...if you do want to see positive change in your life and want to create an environment to see your idea, your style of life, your leadership or your next profession come to its much deserved realization, ask yourself...

  1. What are my convictions today? Take time with this and remember to write them down.
  2. What do these convictions mean to me and how have they impacted my personal and professional life?
  3. What level do my convictions need to be at in order to construct the positive reality I seek out for my life and professional career?
  4. What sustainable actions can I take today that are consistent with my convictions?
  5. When can I expect to measure the impact of my convictions now that I am more deliberate of the inclusiveness they play in my life?


Just as passion is the genesis of genius (Galileo Galili), convictions are the genesis of creating a new reality for yourself.

Lastly, and perhaps unsurprisingly, your ability to believe in the "possible" is subsequent to the belief in yourself.

Above all us, believe in the conviction of your ability to instigate, initiate, ideate and iterate the positive changes you're looking for in your life, business, and professional career.

Video Recap from your Host and Coach!

Questions? Comments? Needing clarity? Reach out to me or someone that comes to mind that you'd like to talk through this in more detail with.

Above all, keep the faith.

Thanks for reading!

Yours sincerely,

Ramy Ballout

Founder at Ramy Ballout Coaching & AirLinked.

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