Driving Sustained Marketing Success:
Balance Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

Driving Sustained Marketing Success: Balance Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

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Success, for most brand marketers, does not happen overnight. Sure, there are the short-term wins - a post goes “viral”, you discover a perfect influencer relationship, you see 200% month-over-month increase in website traffic. All of these short-term wins are exciting, but it’s important to balance these vanity metrics with long-term business goal planning to ensure you are setting your organization up for sustained success. Check out in this month’s edition of The Loop: 

  • How Coegi has driven purposeful growth (while celebrating some short-term accomplishments!)
  • The balancing act of short and long-term growth for healthcare brands
  • The short and long-term impacts of AI on marketers’ jobs
  • And key industry news we are watching!

A Whirlwind Start to 2024: A Celebration of Coegi Colleagues’ Accomplishments

The past six months at Coegi have been marked by a series of exciting accolades and strategic partnerships that have significantly enhanced our industry standing while serving as a testament to the strength of our team’s work ethic and expertise. Read on to learn more about some of the stand out moments from the first half of 2024 for our organization.

The Balancing Act: Short-Term Wins and Long-Term Growth in Healthcare Marketing

In healthcare marketing, achieving short-term wins like sales boosts and website traffic is important, but shouldn't overshadow building long-term trust and brand loyalty. Effective marketing requires a balance between these goals.

Short-term strategies utilize metrics like website traffic and sales lift, while long-term strategies focus on building brand awareness and patient trust through educational content and community outreach.

The key to success is finding metrics that predict long-term goals and maintaining a consistent brand voice across all marketing efforts. Utilizing innovative tools like influencer marketing can further enhance reach and engagement.

Read this article to learn more about how to balance short and long-term goals to create sustained success for your organization.

Will AI Take Your Marketing Job?

Generative AI can be a game-changer for marketers! In the short term, expect faster content creation, ad copywriting variations, and even personalized marketing materials. However, remember that AI is only as good as the data it's trained on, so fact-checking and potential bias are long-term considerations. Use generative AI as a powerful tool, but maintain a human touch for optimal results.

Watch as our Coegi Group Account Director, Maggie Gotszling, and Account Director, Lisa Merlotti, test out ChatGPT and Google Bard's ability to research and develop a media plan for potential clients. Spoiler alert: they're not as savvy as we fear they might be. 

Stay in the Loop

  • Unpacking Google’s Search Documentation Leak - A leak of Google's internal search ranking documentation revealed over 14,000 potential ranking factors. This is a game-changer for SEO professionals, offering unprecedented insight into how Google prioritizes search results. The leak details variations of PageRank, site authority metrics, and other factors that can influence a website's search ranking.
  • TikTok Beefs Up Ad Options with AI and Creator Tools - TikTok is enhancing its advertising offerings by incorporating AI and creator-focused tools. This will allow brands to better target specific demographics and leverage the power of influencers to reach their target audience on the platform. The update streamlines the ad creation process for brands and aims to increase the effectiveness of TikTok marketing campaigns.
  • Forget ROAS? The New Retail Metrics Game - The article argues that Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) is no longer the best metric for retail media measurement. It proposes a shift towards customer lifetime value and metrics that consider the entire customer journey, including factors like brand awareness and customer acquisition costs. This more holistic approach aims to provide a more complete picture of a campaign's true impact on a retailer's bottom line.

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