Services for Teaching Staff

The Library can support you with your teaching including developing learning materials, Reading List set up in Canvas, copyright advice, open education resources and supporting your students with information and data literacy. 

Course resources 

UTS Library can help you with:  

Embedding information literacy in your subject 

The Library can support you with the development of information and digital literacy skills for your students such as: 

  • finding, evaluating and organising scholarly information 
  • referencing and the ethical use of information.

Book a consultation with a Librarian to arrange: 

  • custom in-curricular workshops run by a librarian 
  • bespoke assignment and subject-specific Study Guides. 

Connect your students to tailored support 

Refer your students to services that will support their studies and take the pressure off you.  

  • The Library provides Services for Students such as help with research and assignments as well as access to digital and physical resources and study spaces. 
  • The Support page is the go-to for support options, study resources and fun stuff for students.  
  • The Student Learning Hub provides workshops, skills training, and general help and advice with being a student at UTS. 
  • UTS Study Groups connect students to peers starting uni at the same time together with an experienced Guide. They’ll receive tailored advice when an issue arises and stay in the loop for social events, skills training and study support activities.  

Keep organised 

Plan your academic year with the Library's downloadable pdf A1 calendars. Print at home or via Printing Services on campus. 

Calendars with key session dates are available for each teaching session: 

Get personalised assistance