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 Dixwell Q House

Find out more!

 197 Dixwell Ave, New Haven, CT 06511
Monday-Friday 9am-9pm 

Founded in 1924, the Q House has been a pillar of community in the Dixwell neighborhood. It was newly renovated and reopened in November 2021. LEAP is proud to be managing programs at the Q House.

Visit our website at Have a question? You can send us an email at

Reserve space at the Q House

If you or your organization would like to reserve space at the Q House for an event or meeting, please contact Yakeita Robinson at or you can call the Q House at (475) 306-6936.

Take a virtual tour!


Sign up for FREE classes!

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Now Open: Q House Activities

Programs are free and open to the public. We have limited slots at this time. We require individuals over the age of 16 to be fully vaccinated to participate in our programs.

We Need Your Support Today!

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