Wednesday's Child: Zaviar

Published: Nov. 2, 2016 at 5:21 PM CDT

Zaviar is a kid on a mission as he maneuvers through the laser tag arena at Grand Station Entertainment.

But Zaviar, 15, isn't just trying to score the most points in the game; he's also on the hunt for his forever home.

"I'm looking for just a nice family," said Zaviar.

This high school sophomore knows family life isn't always action-packed.

"Spend time with someone," said Zaviar of his ideal home life. "Maybe like family-related outings, like hikes, park time, pool."

Time outside of these neon lights.

"Sunshine," said Zaviar. He wants "lots and lots of sunshine."

Zaviar loves learning about the world around him, at school and otherwise.

"Right now my favorite would have to be science," Zaviar said of his studies. "Environmental science."

No matter the subject, he's chasing knowledge.

"Because it tells me how that works," Zaviar said of learning.

Zaviar knows family means someone's always watching your back.

"I would talk to them about my problems if I have any, and if I'm sad I would talk to them," said Zaviar.

While Zaviar provides proverbial cover as well.

"Because it actually feels like somebody needs my help," Zaviar said.

Zaviar wants a forever family so he can quit searching for his next move--and settle into real life.

If you are interested in adopting Zaviar or any of our other Wednesday's Children, call Voices for Children at (979) 822-9700.