Wednesday's Child: Raul

Published: Feb. 26, 2020 at 2:27 PM CST

Raul, 16, answers many questions with a succinct, positive message: “Great!”

At school, Raul, who is on the autism spectrum, likes math because he’s “great” at it. Country music is his favorite because “it’s great” too. Ask him what he talks to his friends about, and he’ll answer, “Being great.”

Raul lives in foster care right now, searching for his forever family. On this day, he takes the day off to spend time in the Guitar Center in Bryan learning a few chords with the owner. “Playing instruments” is one of the things Raul says makes him feel “great.”

Raul also loves the Dallas Cowboys football team “because they’re great.” His demeanor changes slightly when you ask about this last season, however; that’ll garner a thumbs-down sign and grumbled: “They lost.”

Still, you can’t keep Raul’s infectious smile away long. It comes right back when you ask about the forever family he’d like to live with. “Being nice” is how he would show affection and how he hopes they would too.

A simple request that holds “great” weight for the boy who just wants a forever home to call his own.

A reminder that there is no cost to adopt a child out of Texas foster care. Furthermore, when the time comes, that child will receive free in-state college tuition.

If you are interested in adopting Raul or any of our Wednesday’s Child, call Voices for Children at (979) 822-9700.