Wednesday's Child: Rafael

Published: May. 1, 2019 at 5:16 PM CDT

"I just like to color and draw and do everything," said Rafael, 13. "I like to do all type of art."

That's why a day at DeGallery in College Station is a day well spent.

When Rafael grows up, he wants to be a car mechanic, engineer or a construction worker. He's versatile.

"I'm good at science, good at writing stories, and I have good handwriting," said Rafael.

But his real love is losing himself on the sketchpad.

"After school when I come home, I practice drawing," said Rafael.

Rafael likes coloring anime characters and angry birds, but he also dreams up his own masterpieces.

"Whenever I have a dream, I like to make my own art comic about it," said Rafael.

There's one dream that inspires him most. For Rafael it's "hard to explain," but his imagination has no trouble painting the picture.

But his imagination has no trouble painting the picture.

"I was dreaming about my family, that I was with them," said Rafael. "Then I woke up in the morning, and I wasn't actually with them."

This boy living in foster care hopes for a family to be there during the night and the day--in a home that's forever.

There is no cost to adopt a child out of Texas foster care. Plus, the child will receive free in-state college tuition when the times comes. If you are interested in adopting Rafael or any of our Wednesday's Children, call Voices for Children at (979) 822-9700.