Wednesday’s Child: Lorna

Published: May. 17, 2017 at 7:24 PM CDT

Lorna, 16, hates sitting still. Instead, she loves playing sports and working on cars.

When asked how good she is at basketball, Lorna replied with a smile, “If you play me, you’ll see.”

“I just grew up young playing basketball,” said Lorna. “That was the first thing in my hand.”

Now, this teenager is bouncing back. Lorna lives in foster care right now but says she's ready to join her forever team.

“Honestly I don't know,” said Lorna when asked to describe her ideal family, “because I've never had one.”

But she'd like the practice.

“It would be blessing,” Lorna said. “I would be blessed.”

Lorna is ready to just be a regular kid.

“Go to basketball games,” said Lorna. “Have fun.”

“I've never been bowling before; I never went to Whataburger before,” Lorna said. “All these teenagers here playing basketball right now—all the restaurants and places they went to, I never went to.”

But for Lorna, it's about more than eating out.

“I would want them to actually be there,” said Lorna. “Not say they're going to be there and then not come.”

The thing she’d like most to do with a forever family?

“Keep it,” said Lorna.

If you're interested in adopting Lorna or another of our Wednesday's children, call Voices for Children at (979) 822-9700.