Wednesday's Child: Jasmine

Published: Mar. 7, 2018 at 8:07 PM CST

Jasmine, 13, is looking forward to a lot of things--from starting high finding her forever family.

"I like happy colors," said Jasmine as she chose neon orange for her nail color at the salon.

A splash of color for this girl with an already bright personality.

"I'm not ready to be an adult," this eighth grader said. "i like to stay young; it's just more fun being a kid."

While Jasmine is just a kid, she's still growing up quickly.

"Outside of school, I really enjoy being outside like on rainy days, cold days, beautiful relaxing days," said Jasmine. "I just put my headphones in and just color."

Jasmine has trouble choosing a favorite genre of music, but right now the answer is easy: "Beyonce."

What hasn't changed over the years is that Jasmine's still living in foster care.

"I'd just like to be with a happy family," Jasmine said. She's looking for that forever home, the one that'll let her talk--the one that'll listen.

"So I don't always have to keep it in," Jasmine said. "So I can talk and get it out faster because if I keep it in, it'll hurt longer."

And Jasmine's hurt long enough.

"It would be nice," said Jasmine. "It would. I just really would like for them to understand."

If you're interested in adopting Jasmine or any of our other Wednesday's Child, call Voices for Children at (979) 822-9700.

There is no cost to adopt a child from Texas foster care. Plus, the child is awarded free tuition to any state university when the time comes.