Wednesday's Child: Jasmine

Published: Sep. 7, 2016 at 6:44 PM CDT

It's not hard to find something Jasmine enjoys.

"I like drawing a lot," said Jasmine.

The 12-year-old continued:

"I really like listening to music."

"I like swimming a lot."

"I like a lot of blue things."

"I like learning new things a lot."

But there's one activity Jasmine doesn't just like...

"I love to help out."

Jasmine has a heart for others; she's just looking for the home that will have her.

"If a mother or father would need me to help, like, get up and do something, I would be on it," said Jasmine. "And I would do anything for a sibling or family member."

This seventh grader is excited to be heard for who she is.

"It'd be easy to talk to them, and hopefully it would be easy for them to listen," said Jasmine. "I don't like to pretend to be someone that I'm not. I like to just express myself, be funny."

Never afraid to mix it up.

"So I turned the radio on and I was like dancing while I was sweeping and stuff," said Jasmine. "If a song came on, I would like, dance with a broom, like it was a different person," she laughed.

Jasmine says she'll bring spirit to her forever family, and they'd help lift hers.

"So I can start a new life," said Jasmine. "I want to get my chance. Sooner or later."

If you are interested in adopting Jasmine or any of our other Wednesday's Children, call (979) 822-9700.