Wednesday's Child: Derek

Published: Jan. 4, 2017 at 8:34 PM CST

"I'm athletic. I'm nice. I'm caring. And I'm energetic."

That's how Derek, 12, describes himself. But he is also a survivor.

"Work--hard," said Derek of his motto.

Derek does work hard, just like the character in his favorite book, "The Hatchet." The popular novel for preteens and classrooms alike tells the tale of a teenage boy stranded in the wilderness who must survive only with a small ax and his wits about him.

"How he survives and stuff," Derek said of the story. "I don't know; it's a good book."

Right now Derek is surviving on his own, in a way--hoping every day to find his forever family.

"It would mean something good, something I could look up to," Derek said of possibly being adopted. "Somebody I can care about."

Derek loves sports and video games, but with a family by his side, he says he would do anything.

"Go to the park and go out to eat," Derek suggested. "Go to the movies and stuff like that."

But for now, when he's by himself...

"I like reading," said Derek. "I mean, I'm good at reading."

When he reads the Hatchet, and thinks of that boy stranded on his own...

"It feels scary," Derek said. "I don't like being alone. I just don't like it."

That's why getting adopted, well, "it would be kind of nice."

"Is that what a family means to you--never being alone?" Derek is asked.

Derek answered quickly, "Yeah."

If you are interested in adopting Derek or any of our other Wednesday's Children, call Voices for Children at (979) 822-9700.