Wednesday's Child: David

Published: Oct. 5, 2016 at 7:46 PM CDT

He's a boy looking for a boost.

David, 13, is riding a horse for the first time at Still Creek Ranch.

"How do I get him to stop?" he asked.

The instructor responds: "Just pull back."

David is growing up in strides, and searching for a family to guide his path.

"To be strong and help each other out," David said.

David isn't just good on horseback. He likes the football field, too.

"Right guard, right tackle and lineman," said David of his favorite positions.

And he likes the classroom.

"Science," David said is his best subject in school.

Whether it's a sports team or a study group, David has a theory.

"A team is about helping each other up when they fall and just being there for each other," he said. "It's really like a family."

It's a theory he'd like to test.

"I'd like to join a family to be able to go do stuff with them," said David, "like play catch and go hunting."

He added, "because I like talking to my parents to see how to help me out in stuff, in school and outside of school."

For David, it's not about who's leading and who's following as long as you're riding through life together.

If you're interested in adopting David or any of our other Wednesday's Children, call Voices for Children at (979) 822-9700.