Wednesday's Child: Brianna

Published: Mar. 6, 2019 at 5:55 PM CST

“Some people just don't like me the way I am,” said Brianna, 12. She says middle school has been tough for her. So instead, she is focusing on learning to love herself.

“I like to write stories about my life,” said Brianna, who lives in foster care. “It may make me feel sad, but at least I can have memories of what I’ve been through.”

Brianna, who is also available now for adoption, says the writing helps her cope with the hard times.

“Instead of taking it out on someone else, I can take it out on a piece of paper,” said Brianna.

Brianna someday wants to use her writing to help others through similarly difficult situations. These days her writing skills mostly help her grades.

“In school, it's going very well,” said Brianna with a smile. “I'm on the A-B honor roll.”

Outside the classroom, Brianna has faced a little more difficultly—with bullying.

“One time [the bully] just started roasting me, and then they brought up, ‘Well at least I have real parents and not fake ones.’” Brianna said. “But you know, I still keep my head up. That's the best you can do.”

This strong sixth grader finds comfort elsewhere. She likes to style her hair, draw, play video games and monopoly. She especially loves spending time with her current foster family, including going to church on Sundays.

“I like to dance at church because I truly do love God,” said Brianna.

Brianna is looking for that kind of unconditional love at home, too.

“I am looking for a forever family,” Brianna said. “I may not be the best one that you want, but I am one that can make a person's life happier.”

Brianna’s final plea? “If there is anybody out there, all I've got to say is, I'm open.”

If you are interested in adopting Brianna or any of our Wednesday’s Children, call Voices for Children at (979) 822-9700.