Wednesday's Child: Ashton

Published: Feb. 7, 2018 at 5:44 PM CST

Out of every activity in the world, there's one that Ashton, 13, says always makes him happy.


And on this day, Ashton's football dreams are coming true at Texas A&M University. Aggie freshman football player Klyde Chriss gave Ashton a behind-the-scenes tour at the Bright Complex and Kyle Field.

Along the way, Chriss gave Ashton, who's in seventh grade, some big brotherly advice.

"Nowadays you can't get anywhere without school, and knowledge. Period," Chriss told his new friend Ashton.

Ashton lives in foster care and is searching for his forever home.

Until then, Chriss says, he'll be there.

"You need somebody? You can talk to me," Chriss told Ashton.

During a tour of the football locker rooms, Ashton took in the sights with a small smile.

"Just gives me hope, and I don't why, just gives me luck," said Ashton.

This seventh-grader could use some luck, too. Ashton has now been featured on Wednesday's Child twice. He says he desperately wants parents who will treat him well.

"A big family," said Ashton. "Just wish I had a good family to have fun with, like a normal family would have."

For now, memories of a day like this at Kyle Field will have to do, and it's a day that Ashton says makes him want to go to "this college" some day.

Furthermore, Ashton hopes to live a life where throwing the football with his family is the norm--whether in the Aggie end zone or in a backyard somewhere.

"You can play your stress out," said Ashton. "You don't have to actually get mad. Just control it. You just run it off and play football."

If you're interested in adopting Ashton or any of our Wednesday's Children, call Voices for Children at (979) 822-9700.