Wednesday's Child: Ka'Tara

Published: Apr. 5, 2017 at 5:49 PM CDT

"Helping other people," said Ka'Tara of her interests. "Seeing them smile."

Ka'Tara, 16, hopes one day she'll have the healing hands to go along with her helper's heart.

"I'm taking medical terminology," said Ka'Tara. "And my favorite subject is math."

Ka'Tara dreams of becoming a nurse. On this day, she's pursuing that goal by visiting the Texas A&M College of Nursing.

But this isn't the high school junior's first experience with nursing.

"My paw-paw was a diabetic," Ka'Tara of her grandfather. "So I've always given my paw-paw shots and made sure he had the right pills."

In fact, Ka'Tara was raised by her grandparents.

"I've never really had my biological mom ever in my life," said Ka'Tara. "I had my granny in my life. She was my best friend, grandma, mom--all in one. So when she passed away and died, I felt like I was on my own and didn't really have anybody."

Ka'Tara does want somebody -- a forever family to fill that gap.

"Always be willing to listen, laugh," said Ka'Tara of her ideal family. "It'd give me a lot of help, [to] know that I'm not alone in anything that I do. They're always by my side, no matter what."

Meanwhile, Ka'Tara is focused on her goals: graduating with good grades, going to nursing school, becoming an RN. But she's not afraid to take a break from her studies.

"I usually dance, watch TV, do other people's hair," said Ka'Tara. She's doing all this while chasing her dreams of nursing school and a forever home.

"Because I've had a lot of people help me in my life," Ka'Tara said. "So I just want to help other people."

If you are interested in adopting Ka'Tara or another of our Wednesday's Children, call Voices for Children at (979) 822-9700.