Out of the Shadows, Into the Light

Formed in 2019, our Out of the Shadows, Into the Light (OOS/ITL) support group addresses issues of isolation and stigma among Black cis- and transgender women living with HIV. OOS/ITL provides a supportive environment that expands group members’ networks of care and support, and provides opportunities for the women to grow leadership skills and to process their lives. The group meets virtually every month, and members are provided with a healing support space to connect and address issues that are unique to them. Out of the Shadows, Into the Light is funded by ViiV Healthcare.


As stated by one group member: “It’s hard for Black women to trust. This group gives us the space to say, 'There are women who get me.'"

OOS/ITL is designed to enhance emotional resiliency; increase self-awareness and improve self-esteem and self-worth; explore the impact of stigma and/or trauma - such as any trauma that may be associated with living with HIV, or experiencing disaster, violence, and sexual assault; learn positive thinking techniques; adopt healthy lifestyles; practice self-care and learn techniques to manage stress; and engage in activities for renewal and revival.


New Nickels


New Nickels is a documentary film that features five Black women that have participated in Out of the Shadows. This short film explores their healing journeys as they emerge from the shadows and find community, self-acceptance and love.

To learn more about or watch the film, which was commissioned by and premiered at the 2021 New Orleans Film Festival, click the button below.


Watch this trailer to see a preview of the film!


To get in contact with Out of the Shadows, Into the Light, email Christina.