Media & Communications

Our Media & Communications department translates public health concepts, theories, and innovations through a variety of mediums to inform our communities about the issues that impact their health the most. We share community-focused and community-generated information, data, and resources through new and traditional media outlets, such as films, podcasts, social media, newsletters, print media, billboards, and more. We believe in the power of narrative change and, ultimately, our work prioritizes taking back, reframing and lifting up the narratives that are being told about our communities through their lens by elevating our communities and elevating the stories that exist within them.


Our Communications Team uses a variety of methods to share information such as reports, campaigns, graphics, articles, and blogs. Check out our Publications page for all of our documents, like our Annual Reports. Visit our Staff Spotlights page to get a more in depth view into the day-to-day work and experiences of our staff members. Finally, check out our Earned Media page to see when we show up in the news, such as in articles, on the radio, or on TV appearances.

Each February, May, August and November we also put out a newsletter highlighting some of the major achievements of the last quarter. You can subscribe to the full newsletter by entering your email address in the footer below, or check out the content here in our News Blog. You can also click here to view all past quarterly newsletters.


Curious what all of our social accounts are about? Here's a brief breakdown  

IWES any and everything IWES! | In That Number mental health, resilience, and trauma-informed resources | This Is Why Black resilience/brilliance contrasted with inequities in Black health | Mosaic film, media, and the arts





IWES | In That Number