‘Younger builders don’t want to be bothering with old homes. There’s not as much money in it’

James McCormack specialises in the restoration of older houses. The Donegal man says that one of the main challenges for anyone looking to take advantage of the vacant property grant is to find a builder who can handle the complex nature of these buildings

Donegal builder James McCormack pictured outside of a derelict property in Letterkenny which he is currently surveying for refurbishment. Photos: Clive Wasson

Andrew Hamilton

There is no clear roadmap for tackling vacant and derelict properties, as each house will present its own unique set of challenges and pitfalls. That is according to Donegal builder James McCormack, who is one of a handful of builders left in Ireland who specialise in the restoration of older houses.

There is also a lack of the necessary knowledge and skills in the construction industry at present, with the majority of younger builders focussing on new-builds using modern techniques, while a large cohort of older builders retired during the Covid-19 pandemic.