‘My main concern is that every farm Coolmore take over, they take all the ditches out’

John Hurley’s family had rented a neighbouring 65ac farm for 47 years before it was sold for €38,000/ac – but he’s more concerned about ‘saving our heritage’

John Hurley on his farm in Clashaniska Lower, Clonmel, Co Tipperary, which adjoins the Coolmore land seen in the background. Photos: John D Kelly

Margaret Donnelly

When Parkville — a 64.6ac farm on the outskirts of Clonmel — was put up for auction in March, it took 47 bids before the gavel was brought down at €2.425m, almost €38,000/ac.

A bid for every year neighbouring farmer John Hurley and his late father rented and farmed it.