‘In a country like Ireland we had a child die from a water-borne infection’ – 40pc of private wells contaminated, scientists warn

40pc of the country’s private wells are contaminated, with risks of serious E coli disease, scientists have warned – and half the population of rural Ireland could be affected. So why is there no State regulation or monitoring?

‘VTEC E coli patients are 3-4 times more likely to have consumed untreated well water’ Photo: Getty

Ciaran Moran

If water samples from the country’s private drinking wells were taken, nearly 40pc would show levels of contamination.

“If that was a public supply, it would be shut down. Tankers of water would be brought in,” said Dr Paul Hynds of TU Dublin’s Environmental Sustainability and Health Institute, who has studied the water safety and quality of Irish wells for more than a decade.