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The Secret Couple
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3 hours, 9 min ago

Suzanne Redfearn
“I realize how awful people are to each other, how a pervasive cynicism exists in most of us that stops us from seeing the best parts of one another.”
Suzanne Redfearn, In an Instant

Astrid Lindgren
“A childhood without books – that would be no childhood. That would be like being shut out from the enchanted place where you can go and find the rarest kind of joy.”
Astrid Lindgren

Riley Sager
“That’s not your choice. It’s already been decided for you. You can’t change what’s happened. The only thing you can control is how you deal with it.”
Riley Sager, Final Girls

Karin Slaughter
“Reading is not just an escape. It is access to a better way of life.”
Karin Slaughter

Emily Henry
“There's nothing scarier than loving someone”
Emily Henry, The Love That Split the World

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