Sheyla ✎'s Reviews > After That Night

After That Night by Karin Slaughter
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bookshelves: audible, audiobook, 2023, dark, favorite-character, favorite-series, kidnapping, suspense, thriller, series, twisted

A new Will Trent book is always a treat for me.

I have made no secret that Will is one of my favorite male characters with his 6'3" height, lean body, three-piece suits, dyslexia, and as the proud owner of Betty (his Chihuahua dog).

What is not to like?

Now back to what the novel is about....

After That Night brings more heartache for Sara Linton. If you follow this series, you know that Sara is currently Will's fiancee and that about 15 years ago, she was raped at Grady's while she was a resident. This event changed her future. Instead of becoming a pediatric cardiothoracic surgeon, she moved back home and joined the local pediatrician.

A few years back, she moved back to Atlanta after another shocking event in her life, and during one of her ER shifts, she tried to save the life of a young woman, Dani Cooper, who had been brutally attacked. Before dying, Dani whispered that she was raped. Only Sara heard her. At present, Sara is testifying about the case fulfilling the promise she made to Dani and herself that she was going to do anything to make the man who attacked her pay.

To her surprise, the attacker's mother tells Sara that her rape and the attack on Dani are all linked!

"Don't you remember the mixer?"

This statement will shock her to her core and will make Will and his partner Faith Mitchell, start their own investigation into the matter before presenting the case to Amanda, their boss.

A lot of intrigue in this one as well as women's violence although not as graphic as other books I read by her.

I liked how solid Will and Sara have become as a couple. Also, how Will has learned how to engage with Faith. He knows when she needs time or when he needs to press for her to open up.

Was I shocked by the ending? Nope, not at all. The clues were all there.

I can't wait for the next book. Probably a murder during Sara and Will's wedding. One can only hope...

Cliffhanger: No

4/5 Fangs

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Reading Progress

August 22, 2023 – Started Reading
August 22, 2023 – Shelved
August 22, 2023 – Finished Reading
September 8, 2023 – Shelved as: audible
September 8, 2023 – Shelved as: audiobook
September 8, 2023 – Shelved as: 2023
September 8, 2023 – Shelved as: dark
September 8, 2023 – Shelved as: favorite-character
September 8, 2023 – Shelved as: favorite-series
September 8, 2023 – Shelved as: kidnapping
September 8, 2023 – Shelved as: thriller
September 8, 2023 – Shelved as: suspense
September 8, 2023 – Shelved as: series
September 8, 2023 – Shelved as: twisted

Comments Showing 1-19 of 19 (19 new)

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message 2: by Jayme (new)

Jayme I don’t click with this author, but glad you enjoyed it! Great review!

message 3: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Great review!

message 4: by Terrie (new)

Terrie  Robinson (short break) I can tell how much you’re enjoying this series, Sheyla. I hope your guess is right for #12🤔Wonderful review!

~ Paulette & Her  Sexy Alphas❥✘❤️ Glad to see this trend into a great read & as always Wonderful review Sheyla

message 6: by Melissa (new) - added it

Melissa ~ Bantering Books Hopefully, you're wish will be granted in the next book, Sheyla. :)

Sheyla ✎ ✘✘ Paulette & Her Sexy Alphas✘✘ wrote: "Enjoy"

Thank you, I did :)

Sheyla ✎ Jayme wrote: "I don’t click with this author, but glad you enjoyed it! Great review!"

Thank you, Jayme!

Sheyla ✎ Holly wrote: "Great review!"

Thank you, Holly!

Sheyla ✎ Terrie wrote: "I can tell how much you’re enjoying this series, Sheyla. I hope your guess is right for #12🤔Wonderful review!"

Thank you, Terrie!

Sheyla ✎ ✘✘ Paulette & Her Sexy Alphas✘✘ wrote: "Glad to see this trend into a great read & as always Wonderful review Sheyla"

Thank you, Paulette!

message 12: by Kat (new)

Kat Excellent review, Sheyla! Glad this series is still delivering for you! 🩷

message 13: by Tina (new)

Tina An excellent review Sheyla!

~ Paulette & Her  Sexy Alphas❥✘❤️ Sheyla ✎ wrote: "✘✘ Paulette & Her Sexy Alphas✘✘ wrote: "Enjoy"

Thank you, I did :)"

You're very welcome Sheyla

message 15: by Michelle (new)

Michelle Amazing review, Sheyla! 💙

Sheyla ✎ Kat (semi-hiatus until October) wrote: "Excellent review, Sheyla! Glad this series is still delivering for you! 🩷"

Thank you, Kat. I love Will.

Sheyla ✎ Carol wrote: "Terrific review, Sheyla ♥️!!!! I am so happy you are enjoying the series!!"

Thank you, Carol.

Sheyla ✎ Tina wrote: "An excellent review Sheyla!"

Thank you, Tina.

Sheyla ✎ Michelle wrote: "Amazing review, Sheyla! 💙"

Thank you, Michelle.

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