Bharath's Reviews > After That Night

After That Night by Karin Slaughter
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it was amazing

A disturbing story, but the best crime novel I have read this year. Only, I have read this book out of sequence, and it would have been even better to read the series in order.

Sara Lincoln, a medical examiner, attends to Dani Cooper who is brought into hospital in a critical condition. In a heart-breaking moment, Dani implores her to find whoever sexually assaulted her before she passes away. The evidence against Tommy McAllister is circumstantial, and hence it is a civil trial, where Sara testifies. Tommy’s dad Mac McAllister was Sara’s classmate, getting a one-up over her by winning a key scholarship. In the restroom, Britt McAllister, Mac’s wife, seeming intoxicated and barely coherent tells Sara that what happened to Dani and Sara (many years back) are connected. Sara was raped 15 years back, a janitor Jack Allen Wright was arrested and served prison term. Sara finds the trauma she has lived with ever since that night rushing back full force to overpower her once again. Will Trent, who is engaged to Sara and Faith Mitchell pursue an investigation on their own. They uncover a sinister and nauseating plot where victims are chosen & sexual assaults planned & executed.

While the underlying theme is very disturbing, this story combines a strong plot with gradual & methodical build-up, great characters and good procedural work exceptionally well. This story explores the consequences of a regressive view of women, violence and the resultant scars as well as Beartown by Fredrick Backman did, in a very different style and context. The trauma & inner turmoil of the victims, especially Sara, is extremely well-written and moving.

A book I strongly recommend. I must read the other books in the series.

Thanks to Netgalley, HarperCollins, and the author for a free electronic review copy.
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message 1: by Rosh (new)

Rosh Great review, Bharath. The comparison with Beartown speaks volumes. I have heard a lot of good things about this series, so I will jump into it in order. :D

Heather Adores Books I can’t wait to read this! I love Will Trent. Wonderful review!

PS to Rosh - start will the Grant County series first. It’s quite a commitment to catch up, but worth it.

Bharath Thanks Rosh. This was brilliant. A lot of books to catch-up!

Bharath Thanks Heather. You are right! Going to take some time to catch-up. But keen to get started!

message 5: by Srivalli (new)

Srivalli Rekha That's a strong recco, Bharath! Ten books to read in the series to catch up. Gasp!

Bharath Yes, that is a problem Srivalli. Reading this directly also felt good.

Connie I started reading these books with Will Trent-out of order. Then I loved them all so much, all the characters that I did the Grant County series. I then reread all the Will Trent books. So. I am saying if this is your first book in the Will Trent/Grant County, trust me start with Blindsighted. It just builds and builds. You won’t regret it.

Bharath Thanks Connie. I did realise that I should have been reading this in series order. Let me now start with Blindsighted.

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