Heather Adores Books's Reviews > After That Night

After That Night by Karin Slaughter
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bookshelves: 2023, audio-2023

Genre ~ crime thriller
Series ~ Will Trent #11
Others in the series ~ books 1-11
Setting ~ Atlanta, Georgia
Publication date ~ August 22, 2023
Page Count ~ 428 (19 chapters + p & one week later)
Audio length ~ 16 hours 34 minutes
Narrator ~ Kathleen Early
POV ~ multiple 3rd
Featuring ~ police procedural, r@pe, suicide, loooooong chapters

If you've been reading this series then you know Sarah was r@ped 15 years ago, and now she has to relive it. She's joined by Will and his partner, Faith, along with their boss, Amanda, as they investigate more current assaults that are happening.

Typical Slaughter ~ dark and gritty, with a shocking conclusion. A bit longer than it needed to be, though.

Narration notes:
Kathleen did a great job. She had nice distinct voices for many characters.

Series notes:
Shockingly I am going to say this is fine as a standalone, but if you want to read them all then I highly suggesting reading the Grant County series first, then Will Trent.

TV show notes:
I liked the show, my hub even watched with me, but Will is not what I picture him to be at all.

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Reading Progress

September 20, 2023 – Started Reading
September 20, 2023 – Shelved
September 20, 2023 – Shelved as: audio-2023
September 20, 2023 – Shelved as: 2023
September 24, 2023 –
September 25, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-10 of 10 (10 new)

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message 1: by CarolG (new) - added it

CarolG Great review Heather. I was pretty much done with Will and Sarah but will probably read this one. I totally agree with your opinion about the tv show. He looks too much like Monk to me!

Andrea Great review Heather, really enjoyed this read. Fantastic author. 💙

message 3: by R.G. (new) - added it

R.G. Belsky I like both the books and the TV show! Will check this out

Kaceey Excellent review Heather!🧡

Heather Adores Books CarolG wrote: "Great review Heather. I was pretty much done with Will and Sarah but will probably read this one. I totally agree with your opinion about the tv show. He looks too much like Monk to me!"

He does!

Heather Adores Books Andrea wrote: "Great review Heather, really enjoyed this read. Fantastic author. 💙"

For sure is! Thanks, Andrea!

Heather Adores Books R.G. wrote: "I like both the books and the TV show! Will check this out"

Give it a try, R.G.!

Heather Adores Books Kaceey wrote: "Excellent review Heather!🧡"

Thanks, Kaceey!

message 9: by A (new)

A Mac Oh, this one sounds quite intriguing! Excellent review, Heather!

Heather Adores Books A wrote: "Oh, this one sounds quite intriguing! Excellent review, Heather!"

She's quite the dark story teller! Thanks, A!

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