Debra's Reviews > After That Night

After That Night by Karin Slaughter
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it was amazing
bookshelves: audiobook, netgalley

*CRACK* That is the sound of Karin Slaughter hitting it out of the ballpark once again!!!!!

Will and Sara are back, and this time Sara has an unwelcome blast from her past when a young woman who had been brutalized was brought into the ER. Years later, Sara is testifying in court for the young women's parents and finds herself up against Mac and Britt McAllister, two people she went to school with. Later in a restroom, Britt McAllister says something to Sara that will rattle her to her bones and bring back her own brutal attack and rape (not that she has ever forgotten it).

Gripping and shocking from the very first page! The whole gang was back! Woohoo! I loved seeing Will and Sara again working together while in the midst of planning their wedding (I can't wait!). I love both of their characters and look forward to reading more books in this series!

Plus, the supporting characters had a nice amount of page time as well which I loved. I adore them all, especially Faith. Slaughter also has a nice number of characters in this book which had me booing and hissing. I was on the edge of my seat wanting to know how things were going to turn out.

With all of her books, After That Night is well written, well thought out, perfectly paced and riveting. Karin Slaughter does not shy away from brutal scenes or discussions which make her books feel even more real to me. Slaughter not only shows readers the effect that rape has on victims but shows predators as well. Her books may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I love them!

I have been reading her books for years and she continues to deliver time and time again! This book had a nice number of twists, turns and revelations in addition to the tension which snowballed as the book progressed.

I listened to the audiobook and thought the narrator did a fantastic job.

Well written, gripping, shocking, tense, and hard to put down!

Thank you to Blackstone Publishing - Audiobooks and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Reading Progress

April 23, 2023 – Shelved
April 23, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
July 18, 2023 – Started Reading
July 18, 2023 – Shelved as: audiobook
July 18, 2023 – Shelved as: netgalley
July 18, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
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July 22, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-32 of 32 (32 new)

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message 1: by Julia (new)

Julia Ash Awesome review, Debra!!!

Debra Julia wrote: "Awesome review, Debra!!!"

Thank you, Julia!

message 3: by JanB (new)

JanB Glad this was such a winner Debra. Great review!

Robin Fantastic review, Debra! I'm jealous. I need to get my hands on this book.

Jonetta I can’t wait💜💜💜 Great to see your 5 stars, Debra!

Brenda ~The Book Witch at Witch Words Fantastic review, Debra! I am glad you got the audiobook and joined the buddy read and we all loved it!!

Debra JanB wrote: "Glad this was such a winner Debra. Great review!"

Thank you, Jan!

Debra Robin wrote: "Fantastic review, Debra! I'm jealous. I need to get my hands on this book."

Thank you, Robin!

Debra Jonetta wrote: "I can’t wait💜💜💜 Great to see your 5 stars, Debra!"

Thank you, Jonetta! I hope you love it as well.

Debra Brenda ~Traveling Sisters Book Reviews wrote: "Fantastic review, Debra! I am glad you got the audiobook and joined the buddy read and we all loved it!!"

Thank you, Brenda! I'm so happy I got the audiobook as well, so I could join in!

message 11: by Canadian Jen (new) - added it

Canadian Jen Wow! A cracking good review, Debra!

Debra Jen CAN wrote: "Wow! A cracking good review, Debra!"

Thank you, Jen!

Jennifer (Jaye) (Recovering from eye Surgery will catch up when I can) This sounds like a thrilling read Debra, my husband was watching the tv show of the series recently, I love your first sentence 💕💕💕

Debra Jennifer SK wrote: "This sounds like a thrilling read Debra, my husband was watching the tv show of the series recently, I love your first sentence 💕💕💕"

It was a thrilling read. I haven't watched the show yet.

message 15: by Suz (new)

Suz Didn't want to read this too closely - I have to read all of Grant County asap! I read one Will Trent book. Love him!

message 16: by Kay (new)

Kay Terrific review Debra! 💗

Debra Suz wrote: "Didn't want to read this too closely - I have to read all of Grant County asap! I read one Will Trent book. Love him!"

This is a great book, Suz! Both of the series are fantastic!

Debra Kay ☼ wrote: "Terrific review Debra! 💗"

Thank you, Kay!

TARA (semi-hiatus): My dog’s health is not good🐕‍🦺❤️‍🩹my reviews WBL— Superb review, Debra! 🩷 I’m glad you loved this one. I will be getting my library hold on Monday. YAY!!! 😃 Can’t wait to read!!

Debra Tara (On Semi-Hiatus September-October ) wrote: "Superb review, Debra! 🩷 I’m glad you loved this one. I will be getting my library hold on Monday. YAY!!! 😃 Can’t wait to read!!"

Thank you, Tara! woohoo! I hope you love it!

message 21: by Luvtoread (new)

Luvtoread A fantastic review, Debra! Sounds very intriguing!!📗💖

Debra Luvtoread wrote: "A fantastic review, Debra! Sounds very intriguing!!📗💖"

Thank you, Luv!

message 23: by Luvtoread (new)

Luvtoread Debra, do you watch the tv show 'Will Trent'? I was curious if it was anything like the book series?📗

Debra Luvtoread wrote: "Debra, do you watch the tv show 'Will Trent'? I was curious if it was anything like the book series?📗"

I have seen it and enjoy it. I put off watching it for quite some time as I love the book series so much. they changed up Will Trent from how he looks in the book but the actor playing Will is doing an awesome job. Some things are the same, some different, but I am enjoying the series.

message 25: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Fantastic review Debra 🩵

Debra Maureen wrote: "Fantastic review Debra 🩵"

Thank you, Maureen!

message 27: by Luvtoread (new)

Luvtoread Thanks so much for the information about the tv show, Debra!!😀

Debra Luvtoread wrote: "Thanks so much for the information about the tv show, Debra!!😀"

You're welcome, Luv!

Nina (ninjasbooks) What a smashing review ❤️ you can write!!

Debra Nina (ninjasbooks) wrote: "What a smashing review ❤️ you can write!!"

Thank you, Nina!

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Yay--I agree that she hit this one out of the park! Fabulous review, Debra!

Debra Meredith (Trying to catch up!) wrote: "Yay--I agree that she hit this one out of the park! Fabulous review, Debra!"

Thank you, Meredith!

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