PamG's Reviews > A Problem Princess

A Problem Princess by Anna Harrington
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bookshelves: historical-mystery, historical-romance, netgalley-2023, read-2023

Anna Harrington provides readers with a historical fiction tale that includes romance, danger, and suspense in A Problem Princess , the sixth book in the series. Set mostly in London, England in the spring of 1818, this novel features General Clayton Elliott, Home Office Undersecretary and new viscount, and Her Serene Highness Princess Cordelia of Monrovia. Princess Cordelia is supposed to visit London to make a match with one of the royal dukes. When she is attacked at a party, Clayton becomes her bodyguard. But who wants her dead? Is it related to the group Scepter who want to overthrow the English government and monarchy?

Cordelia is miserable, but resigned to do her duty to her country. Marriage is the best way to save Monrovia. She’s also intelligent and keeping secrets. Clayton is intelligent, a good fighter, blunt, direct, puts his life on the line for his country repeatedly, and has secrets of his own. The backgrounds of the two main characters are slowly revealed giving insight into their thoughts and behaviors. It was also great to reconnect with characters from the previous books in the series.

This book has a solid plot, with extraordinary characters, and a fascinating mystery. The author captured the cultural lifestyles of the times and brought them to life. With some unpredictable moments in the story, it gradually builds momentum until its action-filled conclusion. Besides the instant attraction and gradual romance between the two main characters, the author weaves in some deep themes related to duty, family, honor, power, trust, social classes, political unrest, reforms, and much more.

Overall, this was an entertaining and memorable novel with some pivotal stressful and emotional moments. I am looking forward to reading more from this author. The series is best read in order.

SOURCEBOOKS Casablanca and Anna Harrington provided a complimentary digital ARC of this novel via NetGalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own. The publication date is currently set for April 11, 2023.
My 3.86 rounded to 4 stars review is coming soon.
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Reading Progress

March 28, 2023 – Shelved
March 28, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
March 29, 2023 – Started Reading
March 30, 2023 – Finished Reading
March 31, 2023 – Shelved as: historical-mystery
March 31, 2023 – Shelved as: historical-romance
March 31, 2023 – Shelved as: netgalley-2023
March 31, 2023 – Shelved as: read-2023

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message 1: by Debra (new)

Debra Great review, Pam! Glad you enjoyed it!

PamG Debra wrote: "Great review, Pam! Glad you enjoyed it!"

Thanks, Debra. I believe this is the last one in the series.

Lady Clementina ffinch-ffarowmore The range of themes it covers seems to give this a fair bit of substance beyond the romance thread. Great review, Pam :)

PamG Thanks! You're absolutely right. This series always has danger, action, and suspense to go with the romance. Unfortunately, I believe this is the final book in the series.

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