Heather Adores Books's Reviews > What Lies in the Woods

What Lies in the Woods by Kate Alice Marshall
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bookshelves: macmillan-audio, netgalley-2022, 2022, audio-2022

Publication date ~ January 17, 2023
Page Count ~ 326
Audio length ~ 11 hours 16 minute
Narrator ~ Karissa Vacker
POV ~ single 1st
Featuring ~ childhood trauma, secrets, suicide references

Secrets run deep with childhood friends Naomi, Cassidy and Olivia and they're still haunted 22 years later.
There were some nice twists I didn't see coming ~ whoop whoop! This was a solid suspenseful thriller with a shocking conclusion and this author is on my radar now. From what I gather this is her debut in adult fiction as she normally writes YA, so job well done.

BTW ~ I liked that Naomi never wanted to cover up her facial scars.

I was fortunate enough to receive a kindle copy and the audiobook to review. Either way was great.
Narration notes:
Karissa is a well seasoned narrator and did a fantastic job as always.

*Thanks to Kate Alice Marshall, Macmillan audio, Flatiron Books and Netgally for my audio copy. I am voluntarily leaving my honest review*

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Reading Progress

December 19, 2022 – Shelved
December 19, 2022 – Shelved as: to-read
December 19, 2022 – Shelved as: macmillan-audio
December 19, 2022 – Shelved as: netgalley-2022
December 28, 2022 – Started Reading
December 28, 2022 – Shelved as: 2022
December 28, 2022 – Shelved as: audio-2022
December 30, 2022 –
page 11
91.67% "review soon"
December 30, 2022 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)

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Darla I'm in the middle of this one right now, Heather. Can't wait to see what your thoughts are. . .🎧

Heather Adores Books Darla wrote: "I'm in the middle of this one right now, Heather. Can't wait to see what your thoughts are. . .🎧"

I finished it up yesterday, so will write up my review soon. I'll watch for your review too🤩

message 3: by Rowan (new)

Rowan Great review, Heather! Here's to embracing those scars in 2023.

message 4: by Kay (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kay Yay! Looking forward to this, great review Heather!

Heather Adores Books Rowan wrote: "Great review, Heather! Here's to embracing those scars in 2023."

Cheers to that, Rowan!🤩

Heather Adores Books Kay ❅*⍋⍋*❅ wrote: "Yay! Looking forward to this, great review Heather!"

Thanks, Kay! Hope you like it too!

Margaret M - (too far behind to catch up although trying to spend more time on GR) Excellent review Heather 💖

Heather Adores Books Margaret M - Semi Hiatus - wrote: "Excellent review Heather 💖"

Thanks, Margaret😘

message 9: by Tina (new)

Tina This one sounds good! Great review Heather!!

Darla Fab review. This one was a bit gritty but kept me engaged to the end.

Heather Adores Books Tina wrote: "This one sounds good! Great review Heather!!"

Thanks, Tina!

Heather Adores Books Darla wrote: "Fab review. This one was a bit gritty but kept me engaged to the end."

Yay! Thanks, Darla!

Heather Adores Books Carol wrote: "Terrific review, Heather ♥️!!! I have this one on my physical shelf and I need to read it. 😍"

Hope you like it, Carol!

Sujoya(theoverbookedbibliophile) Terrific review, Heather! I enjoyed this one too!

Heather Adores Books Sujoya(theoverbookedbibliophile) wrote: "Terrific review, Heather! I enjoyed this one too!"

Yay! Thanks, Sujoya!

message 16: by ✨Poppy✨ (new)

✨Poppy✨ Oh this made me want to read it!

Heather Adores Books ✨Poppy✨ wrote: "Oh this made me want to read it!"

Go for it, Poppy!

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