Philip K Dick

Welcome to the Philip K. Dick discussion group. Have fun and be creative. Choose ALL to view all discussions.
OX2, The United Kingdom
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Dick and Brunner
By Michael · 7 posts · 20 views
last updated Apr 12, 2024 05:44AM
Is Philip K Dick a "watered down" Thomas Pynchon?
By BBB · 22 posts · 26 views
last updated Dec 21, 2023 10:59AM
Your favorite Minor PKD book ?
By Mohammed · 54 posts · 324 views
last updated Aug 30, 2020 10:05PM
What sci-fi books did PKD read?
By Pickle · 65 posts · 430 views
last updated Aug 15, 2020 04:41PM
The best non PKD, PKD book?
By Alex · 58 posts · 383 views
last updated Jul 09, 2020 02:30AM
Dickheads podcast!
By David · 2 posts · 26 views
last updated Jan 15, 2019 08:05AM
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