
Cultural refers to books that depict a place or time and its culture.

New Releases Tagged "Cultural"

One of Our Kind
Four Eids and a Funeral
Cue the Sun!: The Invention of Reality TV
With Love, Miss Americanah
A Crane Among Wolves
Daughters of Shandong
Goddess of the River
Ghostroots: Stories
América del Norte
My First Book
Morning After the Revolution: Dispatches from the Wrong Side of History

Martin Luther King Jr.
We may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now. ...more
Martin Luther King Jr.

Simone de Beauvoir
When I was a child, when I was an adolescent, books saved me from despair: that convinced me that culture was the highest of values[...].
Simone de Beauvoir, The Woman Destroyed

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Polish Literature in English Hiya everyone, after looking around I've decided to open a group for people interested in Polish…more
6 members, last active 11 months ago
Join The Maze as we explore cannabis history, policy, culture, etc. through books.
3 members, last active 2 months ago
Albanian American Book Club This group is meant to be a meeting place for all Albanian readers and not only the Goodreads pl…more
4 members, last active 3 months ago
Shine & Shadow Welcome to Shine & Shadow. We are a group focused on monthly group reads and discussions. We hav…more
641 members, last active 15 minutes ago


Tags contributing to this page include: cultural, culture, multicultural, and world-culture