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Everyone Is Watching

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The Best Friend. The Confidant. The Senator. The Boyfriend. The Executive.

Five contestants have been chosen to compete for ten million dollars on the game show One Lucky Winner. The catch? None of them knows what (or who) to expect, and it will be live streamed all over the world. Completely secluded in an estate in Northern California, with strict instructions not to leave the property and zero contact with the outside world, the competitors start to feel a little too isolated.

When long-kept secrets begin to rise to the surface, the contestants realize this is no longer just a reality show—someone is out for blood. And the game can’t end until the world knows who the contestants really are…

320 pages, Paperback

First published March 26, 2024

About the author

Heather Gudenkauf

19 books8,208 followers
Heather is the NYT and USA Today Bestselling author of THE WEIGHT OF SILENCE and THE OVERNIGHT GUEST.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,068 reviews
Profile Image for Kaceey.
1,269 reviews4,016 followers
January 12, 2024
How far would you go to win ten million dollars?

Five random people chosen to compete live on air in a contest.
The winner walks away with a life changing chunk of money. The losers will be lucky to just walk away.

This is Survivor on steroids. Rules? Ha! There are no rules!

This was a gripping and clever thriller. Each characters’ personality was well developed. Allowing the reader to cheer for some contestants while jeering at others.

Who will win?
◆The mother with the sick child?
◆The politician?
◆The Hollywood executive?
◆The attorney?
◆The psychiatrist?

All players came into the show with secrets. All will leave exposed and changed forever.

I enjoyed how the author brought all their stories together. If you’re looking for something a bit different and definitely fun, here’s your next book! Don’t miss out!

Thank you to Park Row via Edelweiss
Profile Image for Sydney Books.
340 reviews14.9k followers
April 26, 2024
Teetering between 3.5 and 4 stars! I enjoyed this, it was a super fun and easy read. Didn’t wow me like The Overnight Guest did, but I still had a good time!
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,591 reviews52.7k followers
June 28, 2024
In this gripping tale of intense competition, the collision of Squid Game's dramatic flair and Survivor's strategic challenges sets the stage for a narrative that thrives on the unexpected. The main plot revolves around five contestants, each harboring a $10 million prize and a web of hidden secrets, as they grapple with outrageous and unconventional trials. The book, reminiscent of a riveting locked-room mystery or a pressure-building thriller, ensures readers remain firmly on the edge of their seats, eagerly turning pages with undivided attention.

The narrative unfolds through the eyes of the least likable characters, adding layers of complexity to the story. Camille Tamerlane, a popular 38-year-old podcast host with potential skeletons in her closet; Maire Hennessy, a 40-year-old artist grappling with a traumatic secret; and Fernanda Espa, an assistant desperate for recognition from her demanding boss, collectively provide diverse perspectives on the unfolding drama.

As the plot escalates, five contestants are brought together at a luxurious estate in Northern California, chosen for reasons unknown. They embark on a series of challenges that test not only their physical prowess but also their mental and emotional resilience. Among the contestants are Camilla, Maire, Samuel Rafferty: "The Boyfiend" (Ghost from Maire's past and witness to a life-changing event), Senator Richard Crowley, and the unexpected addition of Ned Bennett, an executive connected to Fern's mysterious past.

The competition kicks off, but strange occurrences intensify—teasers with higher-than-expected voltage, escalating stakes, and an unsettling feeling that this might be more than just a game. It becomes evident that someone seeks revenge, and the stakes are nothing short of life and death.

While the narrative offers a fast-paced reading experience with some predictable twists, it delves into a nuanced critique of social media voyeurism and the extremes people will go to for greed, fame, or sheer curiosity. Though not reaching the heights of enjoyment found in Heather Gudenkauf's previous works, the book remains action-packed and intriguing, maintaining its hold on the reader's attention until the very end. Despite minor shortcomings, I find myself rounding up my rating to a solid 4 popcorn stars from the initial 3.5, acknowledging the book's excitement as a thriller.

A heartfelt thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing/Park Row for generously sharing this digital review copy in exchange for my honest opinions.
May 2, 2024
3/5 ★

╰┈➤ Plot

I'm .... indifferent on so many different things in the book. I'm really confused on how the book ended, I think there were a lot of loose ends and the reveals weren't as shocking. There were some plot points that led you down one path felt like they had no merit at the end. I'm still sitting here going "what about this... or what about this"?

I was really excited for this because of one of her other books, The Overnight Guest, in which I guessed the plot twist but it still kept my heart pumping. This somehow felt less high stakes even though the premise felt like it should have been even MORE high stakes.

I think this had so much potential, it just fell short for me.

╰┈➤ Characters

I think you had all your tell tale characters to make up this kind of thriller - mum, lawyer, doctor, senator, journalist - all very typical. That being said, I didn't like any of the characters. I felt no emotional attachment to any of them - so I didn't really care what happened to them.

We don't really know why anyone wants to win the money (except Marie) other than the fact money = good. Which felt really shallow and gave me only one character to root for - Marie.

╰┈➤ World/Setting

The world was described very nicely and I love some Italian architecture. I think the world was the only thing that gave the book its 'eerieness'. The setting was also very good, very Squid Game. But in Squid Game, I felt the characters pain and suffering.

╰┈➤ Pacing

Very fast paced. I chewed through this in a day because I was really interested, the book keeps you hooked, even if the plot points fell short. I was so excited to see how they all came together so I just kept on turning pages.

╰┈➤ Enjoyment

If the ending didn't turn out the way it did, I would rate this higher. I enjoyed all the little clues in Italian (yes I went to google translate), I enjoyed flipping the pages to see how it would all come together, the premise is brilliant - it just fell short at tying everything together in a bow and so the end kind of crushed it for me.

╔═════ ❀•°❀°•❀ ═════╗

score card:

plot: 2.5/5
characters: 2.5/5
world/setting: 3/5
pacing: 4/5
enjoyment: 3/5

total: 3/5ੈ✩‧₊˚

╚═════ ❀•°❀°•❀ ═════╝

reading log ⁺˚*・༓☾

02/04 5:31pm ୨ৎ
here's my prediction:

02/04 4:50pm ୨ৎ
ok hang on things are starting to come together i feel like a bit of a detective putting clues together here --

02/04 8:00am ୨ৎ
this is super easy to get through and i am intrigued to see who wins i don't have any bets yet but there is for sure high stakes with .

02/04 4:22am ୨ৎ
it may or may not be 4am - i've read about 11%? not as heart racing as the overnight guest so far - i think it might be the setting

︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨♡୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶︶

pre-reading ⁺˚*・༓☾

OH MY GOSH i’m so excited i’ve been waiting for this one to come out for some reason it released in australia today?? anyway i absolutely loved the overnight guest it was a 5 star read for me so yes i’m mood reading like hell right now (please don’t hate me i’m going through a nasty break up)
Profile Image for Debra.
2,747 reviews35.8k followers
January 29, 2024
The Best Friend. The Confidante. The Senator. The Boyfriend. The Exec. These are the contestants on the new reality show "One Lucky Winner". They have been handpicked and invited to compete in the game. But invited by who and why? When 10 million dollars is on the line, they are all willing to overlook the "who’s" and the "whys" as the money is just too tempting. Each has their own reasons for needing/wanting the money.

The rules are explained when they get to the Villa and their phones are taken. When they begin the game, while everyone and their brother are watching, they have no idea just what they are getting into. Secrets are the name of the game - someone knows their darkest, deepest secrets and will use them during this "Survivor" type game.

This was an interesting read and I enjoyed how Heather Gudenkauf gave snippets of backstory on the contestants and their personal lives. Readers become privy to the secrets during the book. Even when knowing their backstories, I kept wondering what is the end game? Who will win? Who will lose?

I enjoyed this book and found it to be entertaining and fun. I loved the feeling of being trapped (even though they could leave at any time.) at the villa. They all wanted the money so badly that they were willing to stay and endure the challenges. In fact, they had 10 million reasons for wanting to stay. I enjoyed the tension, the unraveling of secrets, and the trapped feeling in the book. I enjoyed trying to figure out who was going to break first.

I found this book to be interesting and can see this being made into a movie.

Tense, well written, full of secrets, and danger.

3.5 stars

Thank you to Park Row and Edelweiss who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

Read more of my reviews at www.openbookposts.com
Profile Image for Laura Lovesreading.
294 reviews761 followers
March 31, 2024
Prepare to suspend your disbelief to high heavens with this one

Everyone is watching is about five contestants who have been chosen for a game show “one lucky winner” with the potential to win 10 million dollars. There are certain rules they need to adhere to and some of the challenges may be deadly? Also is each of the five contestants hiding a secret? And is it most likely about be exposed… OF COURSE!

Crying because I wanted to love this one so so so much! It was one of my Anticipated Read of 2024, but unfortunately this was just an ok read for me!

➼ I loved the plot giving “I know what you did last summer” but let’s play it out on a reality tv show for 16 million people to witness too! And while where at it let’s add a little razzle dazzle Squid Games vibes to it!
➼ The pacing was appropriate and kept me eager to carry on.
➼ It was a fun popcorn thriller that is great to read after such a heavy book
➼ The locked room, all to play for format

➼ The characters were not interesting to me at all! As a reality tv junkie myself, we all love to watch a villain and morally grey characters, but we also need a character to root for. I didn’t give a flying monkey about any of them or their story.
➼ Chapter titles- Each of the characters were named by their nicknames in the chapters and frankly it kept confusing me. Having to remember who was “the best friend” “the confidant” and so forth kept taking me out of being in the moment
➼ The “Then” backstory chapters was good initially but then it just started to drag and when I finally caught on to what was going on. I just didn’t want any more “past” information.
➼Honestly early on it was predictable to me what the twist was. But I kept going to see how the author would play it out. Let’s just say it was very anticlimactic.
➼The ending- I need authors especially thriller authors to know that the ending of their books doesn’t always have to be wrapped up in a nice happy ending bow. You know sometimes it’s interesting to read if the villain succeeds! It’s provocative! 😏😏

Everyone is watching is a fun filled thriller that is very far fetched and is not to go into with overt high expectations. Not my favourite by the author but I would recommend as a popcorn thriller



Eeek this is one of my 10 Anticipated Reads of 2024!
So buzzed for this one!!!
Please don’t disappoint! 😅🤞🏾❤️❤️
Profile Image for Linzie (suspenseisthrillingme).
477 reviews315 followers
April 23, 2024
When five people are invited to play for ten million dollars on the set of the new reality TV show, One Lucky Winner, they each think that this may be their lucky day. Without another thought, they pack their bags and travel to a posh villa in Northern California where they’re told the rules upon entry. They must relinquish their phones and under no circumstances can they leave the property or access parts of the villa deemed off limits. Despite the remote location and limited understanding of the game they’re about to enter into, they all quickly agree.

As the competition begins, however, it seems this TV show is like no other of its kind. With dangerous challenges and insinuations about each of the contestants, there just might be more going on behind the scenes than they imagined. And as the games proceed and their battle is live-streamed worldwide, they each find out that this reality show isn’t just about who can finish first and claim the reward. Someone just might have an ulterior motive for bringing them together and, before they’re allowed to leave, each of their long-held secrets may be revealed to the world. If, of course, they don’t lose their lives first.

Holy amazeballs! Everyone Is Watching was one rollicking good time. Starting off with a bang, the plot had the pace of a runaway train. With unparalleled suspense and definite foreboding, I sped through the pages until the last final reveal. Trust me when I say that I did not want this book to end. At the same time, however, I couldn’t stop myself from flying through this unputdownable psychological thriller in just one sitting.

The characters ran the gamut from two that I was rooting for despite their transgressions to several thoroughly unlikeable individuals that definitely deserved to lose in my eyes. While perhaps on the more melodramatic side of the persona meter, I still got swept up in their debacle and had my definite favorites. This was helped by the multiple POVs and flashbacks, which gave a delicious glimpse into several of their backgrounds and what misdeeds had landed them in the hot seat.

The plot was the shining star of this riveting novel, however. Fast-paced and thoroughly twisted, the back-and-forth layering of the storyline drew me in deep. And if you know me at all, I’m always down for a thrilling tale of revenge. After all, stuffed to the brim with intrigue and long-buried secrets, a tantalizing web of deceit revealed quite the plan, all said and done. Given that Gudenkauf wrote this plot, though, I’m unsurprised by the addictive quality that rivaled any real-life reality TV show. Now I just hope that it makes it onto an actual screen one of these days…

The were, unfortunately, a few minor flaws. Requiring a definite suspension of disbelief, the plot had a certain over-the-top feel. I also wish there had been a bit more exploration for all of the characters and not just those narrating the plot. At the same time, however, it was intense, well-written and had that special something that only Gudenkauf can muster. For that and the general entertainment value, I was more than happy to overlook the above in order to enjoy each and every word.

A popcorn thriller through and through, I was simply bowled over by the thought-provoking observations about social media and how far people will go to get what they want. Not to say that those critiques got in the way of the action-packed premise. Oh no. There were plenty of adrenaline-pumping events that had me racing through the pages. All said and done, despite this one not necessarily being my favorite by the author, it still ranked right up there near the top. Rating of 4.5 stars.

Thank you to Heather Gudenkauf, Park Row Books, HTP Books, and NetGalley for my complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.

Trigger warning: attempted rape, child with a chronic illness, near drowning, stalking, mention of: sexual assault, infidelity
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,838 reviews12.4k followers
July 8, 2024
Everyone is Watching is the 2024-release for popular author, Heather Gudenkauf. I've read two previous novels from her, This Is How I Lied and The Overnight Guest, and really enjoyed both, so I was anticipating diving into this one.

Happily, I had a blast with it. It was so wickedly-wild and OTT, I feel like I just orbited the Earth and returned, noshing popcorn all the while. It was so much fun!

This story features five contestants selected to participate in an all-new reality game show; think Squid Game, or Big Brother. The grand prize of which is $10,000,000.

None of the participants know quite what to expect, but with a potential prize that large, they're willing to risk it. As they arrive at the secluded-California property at which the show will be filmed, an immediate sense of unease sets in.

It's isolated and they're stripped of their phones, and told in no uncertain terms they're not to leave the grounds, or communicate with anyone on the outside.

The show is being live-streamed to the world, there are cameras everywhere, and involves a series of different challenges; some physical, some not. The viewing public will be voting contestants out one-by-one, until only one remains; the $10,000,000-winner.

As the challenges begin, it becomes clear that whoever organized this show knows a lot more about these contestants than was originally let on. This starts to seem less like a game show and more like a revenge show.

The further the show progresses, the more the contestants deeply-held secrets begin to be exposed. Soon, you're spotting connections and low-key judging everyone.

Is anyone going to make it out of this thing with their reputations, or yeah, their lives intact?

This was so entertaining. I loved the concept of the show and the way the contestants all ended up there. I feel like this book doesn't take itself too seriously, and it succeeded because of that.

This story is the epitome of a good-time Popcorn Thriller. I flew through it and was impressed with the rapid pace of the reveals and the thoughtful connections throughout.

After the initial set-up, you can feel that there is something much larger going on under the surface. I thought the way Gudenkauf built-out that suspense was really well done.

There aren't a ton of likable characters in this, but I still loved learning about each and every one of them. You get dirt on all of them, and I'm always down for that.

Some of them were more despicable than others though, and I know who I would have been voting for had it been real. I also loved the concept of this live-stream, and we do get a mixed media element, with comments from viewers.

I would say, this one probably won't work for Readers who can't suspend belief for a bit, but luckily, I love suspending belief. If you read for fun, for escape, to forget about life for a while, I would def recommend this.

It absolutely gets wild and there are things that would realistically never happen IRL, but who cares!?

Overall, I appreciated Gudenkauf doing something completely out of the box here. This didn't really feel like the two previous books that I have read from her. It felt more fast-paced and punchy, as opposed to the darker, moodier vibes that I have read from her in the past.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Park Row, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I'll pick up anything Gudenkauf writes. This definitely entertained me!
Profile Image for Kim ~ It’s All About the Thrill.
656 reviews600 followers
March 22, 2024
Wow!! 😍This was one wild ride!! @heathergudenkauf ‘s The Overnight Guest was my FAVORITE book in 2022!! ❤️So you can bet I was absolutely thrilled to get my hands on this copy of Everyone Is Watching!❤️Huge shoutout to @htp_hive 🐝🐝@parkrowbooks @htpbooks for this gorgeous gifted copy!! 🥰🥰🥰 I LOVED it!!

Pub date is March 26th🥳🥳🥳

Get this… you are invited to a reality show… 😬… NOW before you say no… the prize is Ten MILLION Dollars!! Umm WHAT?! 😳 … Sign this girl up!! 🙋‍♀️

Our lucky 🍀 contestants can’t wait to get a crack at this amazing prize… and guess what?!! There are only FIVE players. Piece of cake 🍰.. Right?!! WRONG… so wrong… 😂😳

OMG this book was SO twisted but incredibly fun!! Holy unlikable characters!! 😂 These people were ALL about winning… 🏆… no matter what the cost. I LOVED so many of these people… even though I probably shouldn’t..😂 I mean… WHAT the HELL Fern?!! 😳😳😂

This is a total page turner… and WAY more addictive than any reality show!! 🤷‍♀️ Totally unique.. fun… and twisted… just how I love my thrillers!! 🙌🙌

Thank you again to the buzzy @htp_hive 🐝 for this copy!! I couldn’t put it down. There is NO way I would have spent even one night in this game… ✌️✌️ 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ BYE…However… I LOVED the ending!! 😍

🖤🖤🖤 Is this on your TBR?? Do you have a favorite @heathergudenkauf book? Would you agree to sign up for a reality show for a chance to win 10 Million dollars?? 🤔
February 19, 2024
Heather Gudenkauf has embraced the popular trend of the locked room mystery, but her latest novel takes a thrilling departure from the conventional trope. By intertwining the high-stakes drama of a reality show with a captivating mystery, she navigates the complex dynamics of a cast of characters competing for a jaw-dropping cash prize, each harboring their own secrets and motivations.

Much like Heather Gudenkauf's other books, it's the execution of suspense, that drives the pace, keeping me on the edge of my seat. What starts as a quest for the coveted cash prize soon morphs into a gripping battle for survival. With escalating tensions and long-held secrets, we are pulled further into a complex web of intrigue. The characters come to life, brimming with their own secrets, desires, and unwavering determination to triumph. As the plot unwinds, she unveils layers of deception, secrets, and concealed motives, delving deeper into a web of intrigue.

While the premise may verge on the extravagant and over the top, Heather Gudenkauf's storytelling has undeniable entertainment value, making for a thrilling and satisfying read. The fusion of reality TV drama and compelling mystery elements creates a unique and exhilarating reading experience that had me eagerly turning pages until the final revelation.

Sister read with Norma and witches words read

I received a copy from the publisher through Edelweiss.
Profile Image for Marci carol.
115 reviews
April 6, 2024
I love love her books! This one was about a group of contestants trying to win big money! It was a great edge of your seat mystery thriller. Luv her books
Profile Image for Teju  A.
221 reviews13 followers
February 29, 2024
I have to admit this book was just too far fetched for me...
A group of contestants enter into a reality game; but all isn't what it seems as secrets begin to be revealed from their pasts. Plus the games they played made be laugh out loud... like who's really playing this for a 10 million dollar prize?
The end was totally unrealistic and also very rushed. I just found it hard to reconcil who Fern was in regards to her " act of kindness in the end"
I loved the authors previous book, this was just too much of a stretch to be believable.
Solid 2 stars!!

Thanks to be publishers for THE ARC. Beyond grateful and humbled. 🙏🏾
Profile Image for Chantal.
720 reviews651 followers
April 6, 2024
Five contestants, ten million dollars. A recipe for backstabbing, drama and secrets revealed. Not a bad read, just wished it was bit more original as it seems I've read a few books in the last year with similar plot lines. Gudenkauf has a really awesome writing style and that was enough for me stay invested.
April 7, 2024
I always look forward to reading books by author Heather Gudenkauf. Everyone Is Watching, her newest book, was no exception. As I began to read Everyone Is Watching, I realized that this was a diversion from Heather Gudenkauf’s typical books. It portrayed her usual feelings of suspense and tension but between the setting, the characters and the premise that was established early on I knew that I was in for something very different. Everyone Is Watching was very clever and gripping at the same time. I had a hard time putting this one down.

Five random people received invitations to participate in a reality show called One Lucky Winner where the grand prize was to be ten million dollars. What if anything gave these five potential contenders the opportunity to compete for the unexpected but welcomed prize of ten million dollars? As each of the five contestants arrived at the magnificent estate, Bella Luce, in Northern California where the reality show was to be filmed, they were dubbed with the titles of The Best Friend, The Confident, The Senator, The Boyfriend and The Executive. Each contestant had their own personal reason for accepting the invitation to compete for the ten million dollars prize money. Through competitions and challenges, each winner collected “Super Clues”. There were also “ Game Changers” that the contestants gathered during each competition. Winning and securing the Super Clues and the Game Changers could tip the outcome of the competition in the direction of the contestant that accumulated the most. The object was to try and win as many competitions and challenges as possible. After each competition, a contestant was voted off by the audience that was following the reality show on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter or TikTok. As soon as a contestant was voted off, their deepest and darkest secrets were revealed to the millions that had chosen to follow the show. What secrets would be revealed? Would one contestant prevail over the others to win the ultimate prize of ten million dollars?

I really enjoyed reading Everyone Is Watching by Heather Gudenkauf. It was not what I expected but in a good way. I had not guessed the ending and was quite surprised by it. This was a clever concept that Heather Gudenkauf brought to fruition in a way that was believable and quite suspenseful. The pace was perfect and the characters were interesting and well developed. There were lots of secrets that all the contestants were harboring. I liked how the secrets were revealed as Heather Gudenkauf explored the contestants’ pasts in alternating chapters. I highly recommend Everyone Is Watching by Heather Gudenkauf if you enjoy suspenseful thrillers.

Thank you to Park Row for allowing me to read Everyone Is Watching by Heather Gudenkauf through Netgalley in exchange for an unbiased and honest review.
Profile Image for Lynn Peterson.
976 reviews72 followers
May 19, 2024
This is a cat and mouse book in a locked room thriller. Wow. Five people are called together to compete for $10M. But the game takes a scary sick turn and they begin to wonder if they are playing for their lives.
Profile Image for Norma.
557 reviews13.5k followers
February 13, 2024
4.5 Stars!!!

This is why Heather Gudenkauf is one of my favourite authors!! Love her books.

I took my time reading it but once I reached the halfway mark the pacing was nonstop and absolutely unputdownable. I haven’t read more than a couple of hours at a time in quite some time.

Loved both the title and the conclusion.
Profile Image for Judy Collins.
2,959 reviews429 followers
March 30, 2024
Check out my fun #AuthorElevatorSeries Q&A with Heather, where we go behind the book and the author!

NYT Bestselling author (a favorite) and master storyteller returns following The Overnight Guest with her highly anticipated tenth novel, EVERYONE IS WATCHING —an exciting high-stakes game— Big Brother meets Survivor—in this edge-of-your-seat-locked room suspense thriller!

Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime?

Five contestants are chosen to compete on a new reality TV show called One Lucky Winner. The prize is 10 million dollars. The Best Friend. The Confidant. The Senator. The Boyfriend. The Executive.

Set in the heart of wine country, at a secluded estate mansion in Northern California, live streamed. The contestants will battle for the grand prize through challenges that will test them physically, mentally, and emotionally.

They will spend 14 days at the exclusive Diletta Resort and Spa in beautiful Napa Valley. When not competing, they will spend their time in a lavishly appointed private cottage, swimming in the 130-foot pool, or heading to the spa for treatments, massages, wraps, and scrubs from grapes grown in the La Bella Luce vineyard. Each person will receive a case of the world-famous cabernet sauvignon with an exclusively designed label. Sounds heavenly, right?

They also have instructions not to leave the property without outside contact with the outside world. But they are greedy, and this is 10 Million Dollars—GAME ON!

However, they soon realize there is something sinister, and nothing is as it appears. Dark secrets surface, and a sinister plan of REVENGE.

Told from multiple POVs, a dream turns into a nightmare. It appears Armageddon had come to Napa, and someone had built some twisted playground. The obstacle courses. Events: Cold and calculated. Millions of viewers. The stakes are high. It's a dangerous, cruel, and sadistic game.

What began as a simple goal of winning the coveted cash prize turned into a gripping, insane battle for survival.

Who is going home? Who will pay?

INTENSE! Told from multiple POVs, the author cleverly keeps the suspense high, fast-paced, and with twists and turns in this innovative, riveting, locked-room thriller.

While EVERYONE IS WATCHING is quite different than Gudenkauf's previous books and set outside of Iowa, she is a master craftsman and showcases her mad skills, proving she can play in any playground!

Get the popcorn ready!

EVERYONE IS WATCHING is a fun escape from reality, and even though I am not a huge fan of reality TV shows, I am a fan of the author. I am all in for anything she writes. A long-time avid fan, I have read all her books, and each one is unique.

Thanks to Park Row Books and NetGalley for a gifted, advanced review copy. I look forward to listening to the audiobook narrated by a favorite, Brittany Pressley!

Blog review posted @
@JudithDCollins | #JDCMustReadBooks
Pub Date: Mar 26, 2024
My Rating: 5 Stars
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Profile Image for Alix.
362 reviews108 followers
April 2, 2024
The reality game show premise makes for an entertaining story at times but many of the events that happened were farfetched and dumb. Honestly, after night one this show would have been shut down. But, clearly the author isn’t setting out for a believable story. Most of the characters are unlikable and despite all of them having secrets, none of them are particularly interesting. I found myself hate-reading through most of this, just to see how it would all wrap up. The ending was not surprising and overall I was just glad to be done with it. While it might appeal to some, it unfortunately missed the mark for me.
Profile Image for Dennis.
891 reviews1,820 followers
January 4, 2024
3.5 stars

I haven't read a lot of Heather Gudenkauf's novels, but so many of my bookstagram friends, such as @beautyandthebook , love her so I was really excited to read her 2024 novel, EVERYONE IS WATCHING. After reading the author's acknowledgments, this book sounds like a major change of course and I'm hear for it!

EVERYONE IS WATCHING revolves around a reality show featuring five contestants, aptly nicknamed "The Best Friend, The Confidant, The Senator, The Boyfriend, The Executive"—they all have actual names, but it's easier to list them this way for now. Each of these five contestants were chosen to be on the new game show, One Lucky Winner, where they'll compete for $10 million dollars after a series of challenges. They'll be secluded at a private location in Northern California and isolated from the outside world (feels like Big Brother to me!). When the show begins, the contestants realize that this isn't just a reality show, this is dangerous. Especially when they find out that not everyone on this show isn't who they say they are.

This book is a popcorn thriller through and through! I was able to guess what was going to happen pretty early on, so that is the rationale for my rating, but this book is fast-paced and fun throughout the story. I love books centered around reality shows and EVERYONE IS WATCHING felt like they were competing on a Squid Game type of show which just adds more to the thriller aspect of the story. Readers of light popcorn thrillers will LOVE this book!
Profile Image for Katie B.
1,443 reviews3,095 followers
April 12, 2024
3.5 stars

Held my interest but crossed over into far fetched territory. The ending is crazy and while I can usually suspend disbelief it was just too much. Not enough development for me to completely buy it. Entertaining read but kinda disappointing as a whole.
Profile Image for Michelle .
359 reviews125 followers
May 22, 2024
Every One is Watching was over-the-top, predictable in places, and a tad overly dramatic, but still really enjoyable.
3.5 stars :)
Profile Image for Judy.
1,310 reviews43 followers
March 21, 2024
I'm a sucker for game shows, but I generally don't like reality shows. That said I do like reading about them. When I read the descritpion for Everyone Is Watching, I couldn't resist the book.

The Best Friend. The Confidant. The Senator. The Boyfriend. The Executive.

Five contestants have been chosen to compete for ten million dollars on the game show One Lucky Winner. The catch? None of them knows what (or who) to expect, and it will be live streamed all over the world. Completely secluded in an estate in Northern California, with strict instructions not to leave the property and zero contact with the outside world, the competitors start to feel a little too isolated.

When long-kept secrets begin to rise to the surface, the contestants realize this is no longer just a reality show—someone is out for blood. And the game can’t end until the world knows who the contestants really are…

My Thoughts:
This book was a wild ride. Ten million dollars is a lot of money and would be hard for people to resist trying to compete for it. This is an edge of your seat kind of thriller. It starts our as a game to win a lot of money but quickly turns into doing whatever it takes to survive. It seems every contestant has a secret they will go to extraordinary lengths to protect. How did this group of people end up together in this competition?

This is a complex mystery and well done by Heather Gudenkauf. The twists are well executed and there were certainly surprises throughout the book. I thoroughly enjoyed the read and highly recommend it to anyone who likes a good thriller/mystery.

Thanks to Harlequin Trade Publishing through Netgalley for an advance copy. Expected publication on Marsh 26, 2024.
Profile Image for Tammy.
1,069 reviews251 followers
April 25, 2024
Broadcasted LIVE around the world is the NEW reality game show ‘ONE LUCKY WINNER;’ -Five contestants. Fourteen days. Diletta Resort and Spa in beautiful Napa Valley🍇. Ten million dollars.

Sound too good to be true?

What would you be willing to do for that much money?

Hidden secrets, tense live-or-die danger.. and at the heart.. a malevolent mind spinning the contestants like a roulette wheel. Heather Gudenkauf kept me in suspense by wondering what could (even possibly) be darker than that previous contest. Believe me, she goes there. Just wow. So entertaining!! EVERYONE IS WATCHING is a prime example of an excellent locked-room thriller. Highly recommend it. 4.5 stars — Pub. 3/26/24 🎥🍷🔪
Profile Image for Wendy.
1,784 reviews628 followers
April 14, 2024
I loved the unique premise of this novel that grabs you from the beginning and doesn't let go.
Five contestants are chosen to compete for ten million dollars on the new reality game show "One Lucky Winner".
The contestants face challenges competing against each other and the game quickly becomes dark, twisty and deadly.
Nothing is as it seems as we learn why these five people were chosen and the secrets that they keep.
A page-turner!

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing/Park Row for an arc of this novel in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Jen.
921 reviews88 followers
February 21, 2024
This was an OK read for me. The storyline is a common one these days, with 5 strangers competing on a reality game show to win money (though in this case it was a whopping 10 million dollars!). It soon becomes clear that there are secrets being kept by pretty much everyone involved and that the "game" might be higher stakes than anyone expected.

The premise was pretty similar to the other books in this genre, though this one had a little more depth as it related to Fern, the assistant, and her boss, Cat, who is pulling the strings from behind the scenes. I got lost sometimes as to who was who as it related to the contestants, as their chapters were listed by their reality show nicknames (e.g., "the executive", "the best friend", etc.); I think I would have connected better with them if the chapters were their actual names. I liked the backstories that were dispersed throughout the book to help understand who these characters were and what was at stake for each of them. I thought the actual challenges they had to do were ridiculous and there is no way these things would have happened in real life. The end was OK and there was one twist that I definitely didn't see coming, though there were some unanswered questions when all was said and done.

Overall, this was an OK read but I'm not sure it really stands out amongst so many similar books in this genre. I do enjoy this author's works in general, though. Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Julie (JuJu).
865 reviews210 followers
April 20, 2024
★ 4.5 Stars ★
Do you watch reality TV, or have you ever wanted to be on a show? "Every One is Watching" is a thrilling locked-room mystery set on a remote island where five contestants compete for a prize of ten million dollars. However, this show is shrouded in secrecy. There must be a catch! Red Flag!

Personally, I'm not a fan of reality TV due to the excessive drama. However, when it comes to books, it's a different story (pun intended). I thoroughly enjoyed this book's well-developed characters, diverse personalities and backgrounds, and intense altercations.

The remote island setting adds an element of tension to the story. As the challenges begin, it becomes clear that this is no ordinary reality show, and the contestants were not chosen at random!

I want to thank HTP Books/Park Row Books for providing me with an ARC of this book through NetGalley. As always, all opinions expressed are entirely my own and given voluntarily.

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Profile Image for Justinstaysreading.
410 reviews28 followers
March 28, 2024
Holy shit. Without giving any spoilers, this one is a wild adventure. A reality tv show and the consequences are nothing expected. Highly recommend.
Profile Image for this_cat_lady_reads .
661 reviews74 followers
December 29, 2023
Everyone Is Watching
by Heather Gudenkauf

Pub Date 26 Mar 2024 by Harlequin Trade Publishing, Park Row

Heather Gudenkauf has been on my radar for a while now, but I’ve never come around to read her previous work. So getting this via NetGalley was like the last push for me to dive in.

I had no idea what to expect and now I can say that I was not disappointed. Some reviewers mentioned the SquidGames which I have never watched, so I can’t comment on that, but I did like the story a lot, I was intrigued very quickly. I do love books and shows that have any kinds of competition. It’s one of my favourite tropes. After all, I am a sucker for reality TV….

I did like that we got to see what the producers do for a good show as well as far as the contestants will go for the win. 10 millions, sounds too good to be true. Especially as all of the contestants have their reasons to compete for the money.

The pacing was fast and there were no dull moments. I am not sure if i completely agree with the ending, but oh well, other than that, I loved every minute of this book. to me, it was unique and close to perfect!

Arc received courtesy of Netgalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing. I was under no obligation to share a review, all opinions are my own
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,068 reviews

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