The Most Read Books of the 2024 Reading Challenge (So Far)

Posted by Cybil on June 3, 2024

It's time once again, gentle readers, for our midyear status check on the annual Goodreads Reading Challenge, in which members pledge to read a designated number of books before the calendar year is out. It’s a relatively straightforward process: Click on over to the 2024 Reading Challenge page, enter in the number of books you plan to devour, then get busy with page-turning. 
The numbers are pretty astounding: As of this writing, more than 7 million Goodreads members have signed up for the Challenge, worldwide. Total books pledged: more than 295 million.
Below you will find the most popular books being read by Goodreads regulars who have signed up for this year’s Challenge. We’ve sorted the titles by genre, then ranked the titles by overall popularity within the genre. So, for instance, Bonnie GarmusLessons in Chemistry is the most read Historical Fiction book among those taking the 2024 Reading Challenge.
Several of the books making the list are relatively recent releases that have crossed over into the general cultural conversation: James McBride’s The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store, say, or Barbara Kingsolver’s Pulitzer Prize winner, Demon Copperhead. You’ll also find a good cross section of Goodreads Choice Award winners, such as Emily Henry’s Happy Place, Nita Prose’s The Maid, and Gabrielle Zevin’s Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow.  
Scroll around below to get a sense of it all, and click on the book cover images for more information about each title. You can also click the link below to check in on your own Reading Challenge progress, or to sign up if you haven’t already. It’s never too late, and the six-month Challenge is a perfectly honorable tradition.















Historical Fiction







































Science Fiction 







































Young Adult













General Nonfiction













How many of these books have you read? Let us know in the comments below!

Comments Showing 1-50 of 259 (259 new)

message 1: by Julia (new)

Julia read 25 of these, want to read 11 😎

message 2: by Daisy (last edited Jun 03, 2024 12:51AM) (new)

Daisy K ooo i love that circe is trending! coupled with hera's story in blood of zeus and medusa's portrayal in the percy jackson tv series, i'm so excited that the woman wronged in greek mythology are finally getting their voices heard!

message 3: by Law (new)

Law I've read 11 from this list. Hello Beautiful, The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store, The Measure and Lessons in Chemistry are up next. I'm surprised The Women by Kristin Hannah isn't on this list. Where's the middle grade, though?

message 4: by devynreads (new)

devynreads Kinda funny that I've read 29 books on this list and want to read 29 as well!!

It's Me - Yvette I've read 41 (although I admit a few were DNF's for me). 10 are on my want to read or want it shelves so we'll see what happens -- if I'm actually able to get to these this year. I feel like I'm always the LAST to read the popular titles.

message 6: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Johnson HUGE fan of Before the Coffee Gets Cold series! So happy to see it made the list!

message 7: by Marcus Latham (new)

Marcus Latham Have read 11, want to read 21

message 8: by Naomi (new)

Naomi Kristen wrote: "HUGE fan of Before the Coffee Gets Cold series! So happy to see it made the list!"

I have only read the first one so far, but it's one of the few books I gave 5 stars.
If people who read this decide to read the book, it's like multiple small stories in one novel. So some stuff repeats. If you treat it like a book of short stories and don't binge read, one might enjoy it more. (from what I remember, anyway)

message 9: by Marianne (new)

Marianne I have read 18 of these, with about another 4 that I want to read

message 10: by ♡ Elena (new)

♡ Elena Franco ♡ Solo 2 de toda la lista >n<

message 11: by Jane (last edited Jun 17, 2024 03:12AM) (new)

Jane I am very happy to note that I haven't read a single one of the books which are 'trending'.

Up to this point in time I have read 52 books this year. (My target was 50). Some have been outstanding, some have been absolutely diabolical, but not one of them are on this list! I generally find that the books which are 'hyped' up to the levels of 'must read' popularity that 'everyone' is reading them often are the ones which disappoint me the most and I end up wondering what all the fuss is about.

message 12: by CinCO (new)

CinCO I've read 7 of these, but 4 were last year and 3 this year.

message 13: by Dodi (new)

Dodi This list has the most books I've read of any list I've ever seen on Goodreads. I've read 37 of these. Only one is a "want to read." Maybe I should check some of the others out.

message 14: by Kim (new)

Kim Why isn't the mid year status check at the end of June? It has only been 5 months.

message 15: by aasiyah (new)

aasiyah Law wrote: "I've read 11 from this list. Hello Beautiful, The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store, The Measure and Lessons in Chemistry are up next. I'm surprised The Women by Kristin Hannah isn't on this list. Whe..."
for real!! everyone ignores middle grade - a whole age group

message 16: by HannahhannaH (new)

HannahhannaH Read 16 want to read 17!!📚

message 17: by Kathleen M Guignon (last edited Jun 03, 2024 09:09PM) (new)

Kathleen M Guignon I’ve read 35 of the books listed above. Most were entertaining. Some were over rated, and I wonder how they arrived on the Best Sellers lists.

message 18: by annabelle (new)

annabelle I've only read 5 of these but I have a few on my physical tbr and a lot on my tbr :)
major bookish fomo whenever I see these lists and I've read, like, none lol

message 19: by Laurie (new)

Laurie Read 28
Want to Read 12

message 20: by Filipa Cabrito (new)

Filipa Cabrito Read 13, want to read 6

message 21: by Diane (new)

Diane I've read 13 from this list...but So Many on my "to read"!!!

message 22: by Tanguy (new)

Tanguy Law «  I'm surprised The Women by Kristin Hannah isn't on this list. Where's the middle grade, though? »

As they said it’s just statistics about what the readers put in their book lists so, just means those aren’t as popular, this list wasn’t selected by anyone.

message 23: by Mary (new)

Mary Martinez I've read 19 of these - although i believe 1 was a DNF
gonna check out some of these others!

message 24: by Angelina (new)

Angelina Carrera 9!!

message 25: by Jeanette (new)

Jeanette I've read 2 - both were read when I was in high school 45+ years ago. I find it interesting they're even on this list. I'm currently reading 1, and want to read 10.

message 26: by Brook (new)

Brook I've read 29, DNF'd 1, and still have a few on my "to read" list. Pretty good! Historical fiction is my most read genre on this list.

message 27: by Erwin (new)

Erwin I am happy to say that I have read 28 of the books listed.

message 28: by Rachel (new)

Rachel read 6 of these, want to read 26 others :)

message 29: by Ph. (new)

Ph. D. Chain Gang All Stars.
That is all.

message 30: by bearmonkeymama (new)

bearmonkeymama Read 15 and 9 more on my TBR.

message 31: by Laceygoodbooks (new)

Laceygoodbooks I have some of these books. I’ve been waiting to read for a while.

message 32: by Laura (new)

Laura I’ve read 32 (with 2 that were DNF) on here and want to read 18

message 33: by Linda (new)

Linda Stoneham Wondering about The Women as well. Is it due to timing of this article?

message 34: by Marguerite (new)

Marguerite Rauch I've read 34 of these, but would like to read a few more. No interest in YA or Romance, though.

message 35: by Marguerite (new)

Marguerite Rauch Linda wrote: "Wondering about The Women as well. Is it due to timing of this article?"

Agree! The Women and James, both must read this summer. They are both excellent!

message 36: by D.S. (new)

D.S. Marquis I've read 3 books on this list. Song of Achilles, Ninth House, and Fahrenheit 451. Good stuff!

message 37: by Heidi (new)

Heidi Foster I am read 22, with more on the way. Thank you for this guide.

message 38: by Janet (new)

Janet 26 read, but 2 were dnf. Several others are on my tbr and are waiting my turn at the library. The best on the list is I Who Have Never Known a Man.

message 39: by Jenny Baker (new)

Jenny Baker I read 49, DNF'd 3, and 8 are on my TBR.

message 40: by Jenna (new)

Jenna Bracy (hiatus for the summer) read 14 of these but gave like 3 a 1 or 2 star review

message 41: by Kara (new)

Kara Benoit I've read 44 of these. Good list

message 42: by Barb (new)

Barb 34 of those listed read, so many on my TBR list……

message 43: by Hend (new)

Hend Kholeif Read 24, want to read 30.

⋆。°✩☾⋆benita。°✩ Read 10, 33 on my tbr wow

message 45: by Donna (new)

Donna Nowosielski This is a great list. I’ve read 15 with 9 more in my library and I’ve added a few to my TBR.

✨• r e a g a n •✨ I have read most of the young-adult and romance books on this. The ones I haven’t read on young-adult and romance are want-to-reads.

message 47: by Whitney (new)

Whitney Even though I enjoy both series, I am pleasantly surprised not to see ACOTAR or Fourth Wing. I wonder if it's because they didn't do a Romantasy section, but either way, this is a better mix than I usually see on these lists.

message 48: by Vikas (new)

Vikas From this list my stats are

Read - 17
Currently Reading - 2
Want to Read - 21

message 49: by Lisa (last edited Jun 08, 2024 12:01PM) (new)

Lisa Read - 45
Dnfed -2
Want to Read - 10

Of those ten, I should get to at least five before the year is out. Of the newer books, The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon is really good!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Goodreads, go back to showing our personal star ratings under each cover on these lists! I read so many books, sometimes I can't remember what I rated them. I don't have time to click on them all. Anyone else with me on this?

message 50: by Maple Syrup (new)

Maple Syrup Omg heartstopper is on this list aaaaaaa

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