7 New Books Recommended by Readers This Week

Posted by Cybil on June 11, 2024
Need another excuse to treat yourself to a new book this week? We've got you covered with the buzziest new releases of the day, according to early data from your fellow readers.

To create our list, we focused on the books Goodreads members can't wait to read, which we measure by how many times a book has been added to Want to Read shelves. All these top titles are now available in the United States! Which ones catch your eye?

  Best books of the week:

You should read this book if you like: Thrillers, mysteries, domestic workers with extremely interesting secrets, the dark side of suburban life, the flipping of scripts, the turning of tables, The Housemaid series

You should read this book if you like: Romance, contemporary fiction, smart women in dubious situations, handsome corporate types, the eternal hotness of strictly forbidden sex, Ali Hazelwood books in general

You should read this book if you like: Romance, contemporary fiction, screenwriters in love, the opposites-attract template, romantic comedies (fiction), romantic comedies (real life), The Bodyguard

You should read this book if you like: Horror, urban legends, cursed film productions, shady producers, maniacal directors, creepy fanboys, A Head Full of Ghosts, Paul Tremblay novels in general

You should read this book if you like: Contemporary fiction, humor, twentysomethings in financial distress, father-daughter dynamics, pro wrestling, OnlyFans, the importance of controlling your own narrative, The Knockout Queen

You should read this book if you like: Science fiction, fantasy, space opera, talented art thieves, intergalactic smuggling, alien species, ancient artifacts, anti-colonial allegory, The Deep Sky

You should read this book if you like: Contemporary romance, the fake-relationship template, natural hair stores, internet celebrities, intense reunions, pleasant surprises, friends, benefits, Deep in Providence

Which new releases are you looking forward to reading? Let's talk books in the comments!

Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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message 1: by Law (last edited Jun 13, 2024 07:13AM) (new)

Law Oh boy, another Ali Hazelwood and Freida McFadden book. These lists give me FOMO. Both authors disappointed me. Maybe I'll skip those. Other than that though, where to start?

message 2: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Fort I'm waiting for someone else's list of everything else being released today!

message 4: by Susan (new)

Susan Jamie wrote: "Also released today :)
A Talent for Murder
The Summer Escape
What Fire Brings
Jackpot Summer
[book:The Final Act of Juliette Wil..."

Thanks Jamie for taking the trouble to make a list.

message 5: by Allison (new)

Allison Aurora Was able to get a copy of Margo's Got Money Troubles from my library today

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