New Dark and Twisty Novels from Horror to Thriller

Posted by Cybil on April 5, 2024

Those with a serious book-reading habit can tell you: Sometimes, you’re in a dark and moody place and you just want a dark and moody story.
There’s probably a psychological reason why we do this. But often it’s best to just find a good mystery-thriller or horror story, then roll with it. It’s surprisingly cathartic. To that end, we’ve collected here a sampling of 27 dark and moody reads that have published recently—from the beginning of the year through about mid-April. The key word here is mood; the intrepid Goodreads editorial staff has courageously sifted through the stacks to select for mood instead of author or subject or genre.
As it happens, there’s plenty to choose from. It’s going to be a scary year, evidently. Perhaps you’re in the mood for some 19th-century Sri Lankan folklore with classic gothic tropes and a feminist throughline. May we suggest Island Witch, from author Amanda Jayatissa. Maybe you prefer a more traditional horror-tinged mystery, with dark secrets and ghostly hitchhikers. Then you’ll want to consider Murder Road from Simone St. James, author of The Sun Down Motel and The Book of Cold Cases.
Click around below and you’ll find lots of other leads: space horror, psychological thrillers, highly anticipated sequel novels, or even just books with evocative titles and cover art.
Add anything interesting to your Want to Read shelf, and feel free to swap recommendations with your fellow Goodreaders in the comments section. Happy reading! Maybe check to see if that closet door is clicked shut.

Do you like dark and twisty tales? Let us know what books you're reading in the comments below!

Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)

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message 1: by Leia (new)

Leia Added most of these to my list haha

message 2: by Kourtney (new)

Kourtney Aracena me too!!!

message 3: by Law (new)

Law I've heard of three of them. I guess Missing White Woman is too old to be on this list.

message 4: by PinkPanthress (new)

PinkPanthress There are some golden findings here that I have been waiting for. :3
Murder Road, to name just one on the top of my list.

Jacqueline Jones I enjoy all your picks. Great authors!!

message 6: by Chassity (new)

Chassity R I’ve added 90% of them to my list.

message 7: by Betty (new)

Betty Williams @Law If you still have the news letter the book Missing White women is in the category Double Mystery it's now on my list to read

message 8: by Peter (new)

Peter Reiner If there's one book that perfectly fits this list it's "Murder Road" by Simone St. James.

message 9: by Law (last edited Apr 18, 2024 05:32AM) (new)

Law Indian Burial Ground looks intriguing, too. I've read from Amy Tintera when I read Reboot, and now she's released a thrilled named Listen for the Lie. I hope it's good.

message 10: by Susan (new)

Susan My to be read pile just got bigger!

message 11: by Robert Lilly (new)

Robert Lilly May want to consider this thriller just out on Amazon, Title: Shadow Of The Pier, Author: Ben McCoy. exciting travel, thriller, adventure, yachts, villains and the hero Bretson McConnell. Anticipating his next in series.

message 12: by Sky (new)

Sky Emmerich Law wrote: "I've heard of three of them. I guess Missing White Woman is too old to be on this list."

It's on their editor picks list though!

message 13: by Pallavi (new)

Pallavi G. Added 4 book to the list...good collection ✨️

message 14: by AnneMarie (new)

AnneMarie Doran-Janes Loved Murder Road!!

message 15: by Ash (new)

Ash Just finished Godly Heathens which put me in the mood to dive into this list — would definitely recommend.

message 16: by Squidward (new)

Squidward I started reading Island Witch by Amanda Jayatissa and WOWWW, what a ride! I literally breathed the book in within 24 hours.

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