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635941638104300000The Town is currently discussing the use of the former Yeandle property, located at 11321 Kenilworth Avenue. In 2006, Laetitia Yeandle gifted the property located at 11321 Kenilworth Avenue to the Town of Garrett Park. The conveyance of the property was subject to a life estate reserved to Ms. Yeandle. 

In conjunction with the execution of the Gift Deed, a Deed of Conservation Easement and a Maintenance Deed were also executed.  Copies of all documents can be accessed below:

Yeandle Gift Deed

Deed of Conservation Easement

Maintenance Deed

On June 6, 2022, Laetitia Yeandle (through her attorney) relinquished her life tenancy interests in the property through execution of the deed below. The Town now has full fee simple interest in the property

Deed Terminating Life Estate Interest

Bids for RFP No. 2024-3 Park Design and Construction Specifications- Yeandle Park Creation Project with responses acknowledging Addendum #1 were due on May 29, 2024.

Bid Tabulation for RFP #2024-3
Park Design and Construction Specifications - Yeandle Park Creation Project
Bidders (click on the company name to view their bid proposal) Norton Land Design Clinton + Ries KCI Technologies Almy Design Groundsmith Collective *
Base Bid Price $44,800.00 $177,605.00 $57,300.00 $3,500.00 $43,000.00
Following items included:          
Sealed Proposal Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Proposal in Triplicate Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Electronic Copy of Proposal Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Bid Form Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Experience Record Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Equal Opportunity Employer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Notarized Affidavit of Non-Collusion and Non-Conviction Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Vendor Responsibility Form Yes Yes Yes Incomplete Yes
References Yes Yes Yes Incomplete Yes
Bid Addendum Acknowledgement Yes Yes Yes No Yes

* Personally identifiable information (PII) was redacted from the resumes submitted by Groundsmith Collective. The word "REDACTED" is highlighted in the place where information was removed.