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The Garrett Park Community Fund

635942537574230000The Garrett Park Community Fund (a 501 C (3) organization) was established in 2013 to serve as an umbrella organization for charitable projects within the Town of Garrett Park.  It now administers two well-established and valued projects—the Betsy White Emergency Fund and the IIah Gieser Music Scholarship Fund.  The officers are Garrett Park residents who serve without compensation. 

The GPCF is registered with the IRS as a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit entity and is incorporated in the State of Maryland.  The organization’s articles of incorporation are broadly written to make room for future charitable projects that may one day serve the Garrett Park community. 

Donate Online using Paypal or Venmo  (Scan QR code to Venmo)

Venmo QRCode Document


Mail a check to GPCF, PO Box 381, Garrett Park, MD 20896

 Lesley Maloney, President