View allAll Photos Tagged tree

the last tree after the fire

The Tisa River, Zrenjanin, Vojvodina, Serbia


SAMOĆA by Mika Antić


Svoju snagu prepoznaceš po tome

koliko si u stanju

da izdržiš samoću.


Dzinovske zvezde samuju

na ivicama svemira.

Sitne i zbunjene

sabijaju se u galaksije.


Seme sekvoje bira čistine

sa mnogo sunca, uragana i vazduha.

Seme paprati zavlači se u prašume.


Orao nikada nije imao potrebu

da se upozna sa nekim drugim orlom.

Mravi su izmislili narode.


Svoju snagu prepoznaćeš po tome

koliko si u stanju

da prebrodiš trenutak

jer trenutak je tezi

i strašniji i duži

od vremena i večnosti.


Please follow me if you like my wonderful photographs, I will follow you.


Big beech tree in fresh green

Spotted this gigantic tree along the HuandaoLu of Xiamen Island.

Don't know what is its name and how old it is, but just impressed by its size and its shape. It's AWESOME!


(Since the earthquake near Taiwan on 26.12.2006, this is the first time I'm able to visit this site and view my own picutures.)


Happy New Year to all of you. May year 2007 bring good luck, peace and happiness to our world.


Traveller's World

Winter trees are so beautiful. This one is along a busy road, and it has only been on a Sunday morning that I have dared stop to take some pics. There was a nice pre-sunrise sky, which quickly went.

A few snow covered trees taken in the Lake District

1. Place, march monthly contest on *~ Rock .. Paper - No Scissors ~*

1. Place, Challenge for March *SELECTIVE COLOR: BLUE* on ✢~ Legacy Gallery ~✢

2. Place, Monthly challenge on "Focus on your work"

Admins choice in May "Featured Front Page Winners Exhibition Group"


Thanks for your votes and comments. I'm very happy to see the response to this picture.


It's been a few warm days lately. So when the cold came back, the snow and tree branches crytalized giving a fantastic light effect. Because of the strong light I had to make a HDR out of it to catch some of the magic.

View the picture in its original size and see for yourself.



Tony was born in Bohemia in 1873. He was a very capable entrepreneur and politician in the USA. In 1931 he was elected mayor of Chicago. He got to Al Capone jail!! The assassination of the US President Rooswelt was hit by a shot. He died of the wounds in Miami on March 6, 1933. He was Czech, who was grateful to America. He was grateful for her democracy and a decent standard of living. He wanted America better without a mafia. The shot from an idiot from Italy (Giuseppe Zangara) interrupted his dreams. Forever!

Buttermere Tree


A wee trip to Buttermere on Saturday evening, not a lot of colour in the sky, but a touch of mood.

Deep in the Forest, this golden beech tree stood out like a beacon. I love the way the vertical lines of other trees intersect it.

A dead tree near the footpath that runs beside Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire.


Although if you stare at it long enough (as in trying to get the contrast right) then more and more , it feels as if most of the branches are pointing south! ......, Toward the Black Country ! 😀😊

This tree has a beautiful crown. Has been longing to shoot it and found this corner in Endau, with a building just behind it to contrast against the tree crown.

A troll is a class of being described in Norse and Scandinavian mythology and folklore. They dwell in isolated areas in trees, rocks, mountains or caves.


This photography depicts the curious and interesting marking and carvings on the trunk of the tree exactly as they were seen in their natural state.


Khwai River

Okavango Delta



IMG_9698.3 - 250mm

Image made in Forest Park with my Nikon F100, on the day that Katie and I met Ruthie for the first time.

I've been missing the colour green, now that I live amidst so much turquoise and gold. Not that there is anything wrong with turquoise and gold - far from it, but what with winter and everything, I've begun to have a hankering for trees.


Looking forward to see what this fine (if ultra-relaxed) specimen gets up to as the Spring comes on!


Mendon(NY.) Ponds


I've noticed Mistletoe growing increasingly in UK trees, so I read up about it and learnt that it's due in part to an influx of continental blackcaps from Germany that have started overwintering in Britain, with many thousands now spending their winters here.

'Blackcaps are migratory warblers that are becoming regular winter visitors to our bird tables. Berries, including those of mistletoe, are an essential part of their diet. On eating the white flesh of the mistletoe berry, the birds wipe their bills on twigs and branches, leaving behind the seed. If the seed is deposited on a host tree and manages to take hold, a mistletoe plant might germinate on the branch. It seems that blackcaps are more efficient at spreading mistletoe seeds than other birds, such as the mistle thrush, which also feed on the berries.' -


'According to the Anglo-Saxons, kissing under the mistletoe was connected to the legend of Freya, Norse Goddess of love, beauty and fertility. According to legend, a man had to kiss any young girl who, without realizing it, found herself accidentally under a sprig of mistletoe hanging from the ceiling.'


Mike Oldfield ~ Incantations Part Four

Revisited a concept I have worked with before to generate an image for Me Again Monday - thinking this would fit with the wilderness theme. I am also entering it as 32 of 115 made of wood.

This great looking tree is just off the B1416 in the NY Moors and easily visible from the road, if you're driving very slowly whilst stalking the trees on the moor as I was doing!


I just loved the the tree within the tree ;-)

Taken from a road called The Struggle that leads to the Kirkstone Pass, Lake District

Blueridge Parkway, NC



J aime beaucoup cette chanson de

** Tina Arena **


J'ai tant caché mes différences

Sous des airs ou des faux semblants

J'ai cru que d'autres pas de danses

Me cacheraient aux yeux des gens

Je n'ai jamais suivi vos routes

J'ai voulu tracer mon chemin


Pour aller plus haut, aller plus haut

Ou l'on oublie ses souvenirs

Aller plus haut, aller plus haut

Se rapprocher de l'avenir


J'ai perdu tant de fois la trace

Des rêves pour lesquels je vivais

Je n'ai pas su te dire je t'aime

Seulement te garder

Il faut aussi dire ses doutes

Et les poser dans d'autres mains


Pour aller plus haut, aller plus haut

Et dessiner des souvenirs

Aller plus haut, aller plus haut

Et croire encore à l'avenir


Pour aller plus haut, aller plus haut

Et dessiner des souvenirs

Aller plus haut, aller plus haut

Et croire encore à l'avenir

Aller plus haut, aller plus haut

Se rapprocher de l'avenir.


As I hid my differences

Air or under false pretenses

I thought that others do not dance

Me hiding in the eyes of people

I have never followed your route

I wanted to trace my way


To go higher, go higher

Or we forget memories

Jump higher, go higher

Move towards the future


I lost both times the trace

Dreams where I lived

I have not been able to tell you I love you

Only you keep

It must also be doubts

And ask them in other hands


To go higher, go higher

And draw memories

Jump higher, go higher

And believe in the future


To go higher, go higher

And draw memories

Jump higher, go higher

And believe in the future

Jump higher, go higher

Move towards the future.



A quick snap that I took whilst walking around the grounds and gardens of Brodsworth Hall, Doncaster, with my family. I liked the way the path curves off into the distance and how the trees become less visible the further away they are, giving a sense of depth and perspective.


I thought this was a lovely scene and hope to return further into the Autumn and then the Spring and Summer in order to capture the changing seasons.

By teleconverter, with Phenix 50mm f1.7 MC.


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