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See More Beautiful Booty in my Derriere Album :-)


Thank you, Ladies for the most enjoyable car wash ever !!!!


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Las Áreas Protegidas Privadas han crecido explosivamente en Chile a contar de los años 90. Se estima la existencia de unas 500 Áreas Protegidas Privadas que cubren más de 1 millón 400 mil hectáreas en todo el país. La limitación de recursos y la lentitud del estado Chileno han estimulado que personas, comunidades e inversionistas con un sentido de custodia de la naturaleza adquieran grandes áreas aún no protegidas con el objetivo de preservar el valor escénico y recreativo asi como también de instalar negocios llamados "eco-sustentables". Muchos de estos proyectos no han estado excentos de polémica, existe suspicacia y dudas sobre sus reales fines y el posible daño soterrado al ecosistema, lo que ha concitado contrapuestas reacciones.


Uno de los mas exitosos sin duda es la Reserva Biológica Huilo Huilo, el primer parque privado en ser reconocido como Reserva de la Biósfera por la UNESCO (2007) por proteger el “Bosque templado lluvioso de los Andes australes” también conocido como "Selva Valdiviana" el segundo mayor bosque templado lluvioso que queda en el mundo, único en Sudamérica. El parque a lo largo de los años se ha ido convirtiendo en un gigantesco parque de atracciones natural que cuenta con varios llamativos hoteles que destacan por su arquitectura orgánica integrada con el medio ambiente. Uno de ellos fue seleccionado entre los 21 hoteles mas increibles del mundo, la Montaña Mágica Lodge que tiene forma de un cono recubierto con roca volcánica de cuyo extremo superior emerge una cascada de agua que ha permitido que la flora nativa del lugar crezca en forma natural cubriendo toda la fachada del hotel.


La Reserva Biológica Huilo Huilo se ubica en la Región de los Ríos, al sur de Chile a 860 kms de la capital Santiago y 320 kms al norte de la ciudad de Puerto Montt, entre los lagos Panguipulli y Pirihuico en Los Andes patagónicos. Tiene una extensión de 100.000 hectáreas incluye parte de los faldeos orientales norte y sur del volcán Choshuenco y la ribera sur del lago Pirihueico. En la reserva se puede encontrar diversos servicios como cabañas, camping, centro de convenciones, museo mapuche, club náutico, cerveceria artesanal, termas y SPA, teleférico, hostel para mochileros, el exlusivo Nawelpi Lodge y Marina del Fuy o los impresionantes hoteles en medio del bosque Montaña Mágica, Nothofagus y Reino Fungi. También se puede desarrollar una serie de actividades que van desde los senderos a los Saltos Huilo Huilo, El Puma y los senderos magicos elevados sobre el bosque que llevan al salto La Leona, un Canopy XL en el Canopy Village con sus casas en los arboles, sky en los faldeos del Volcan Choshuenco, pesca recreativa, cabalgatas, observacion de flora y fauna nativa asi también de Venados y Jabalies. En fin un lugar para todos los gustos y todos los bolsillos, con mucha naturaleza, increibles paisajes donde sorprende lo bien que se ha integrado todo con el entorno. Si alojan fuera del parque se debe pagar el acceso a todas las atracciones por separado y esta abierto durante todo el año. La mejor fecha para visitar Invierno o Primavera hay menos gente y cae nieve frecuentemente.




Private Protected Areas have grown strongly in Chile starting in the 90s. There are some 500 private protected areas covering more than 1 million 400 thousand hectares in the country is estimated. Limited financial resources and the slow Chilean state have encouraged that individuals, communities and investors with a sense of nature stewardship acquire large areas not yet protected in order to preserve the scenic and recreational value as well as installation businesses called "eco-sustainable ". Many of these projects have not been exempt from controversy, there is suspicion and doubt about their real purposes and possible underground ecosystem damage, which has attracted mixed reactions.


One of the most successful certainly is Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve, the first private park to get recognized as a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO (2007) protecting the "Temperate rainforest of the southern Andes" also known as "Valdivian Rainforest" the second largest temperate rainforest left in the world, unique in South America. The park over the years has grown into a gigantic natural amusement park with several distinctive hotels notable for their integrated environmental organic architecture. One of them was selected among the 21 most amazing hotels in the world. The Magic Mountain Lodge which is shaped like a cone covered with volcanic rock of the upper end emerges a waterfall that has allowed the native flora of the place to grow naturally till covering the entire facade of the hotel.


Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve is located in the Los Rios Region in southern Chile 860 kms from the capital Santiago 320 km north of the city of Puerto Montt between Panguipulli and Pirihuico lakes heart of north Patagonian Andes. It has an area of 100,000 hectares includes part of northern and south eastern Choshuenco volcano slopes and Lake Pirihueico southern shores. In the book you can find many services such as cabins, camping, convention center, Mapuche museum, yacht club, craft brewery baths and spa cable car hostel for backpackers the exclusive Nawelpi Lodge and Marina del Fuy or the impressive hotels Magic Mountain, Nothofagus and Kingdom Fungi Lodges in middle of the forest. You can find many activities ranging from hiking to the Huilo Huilo or El Puma falls and wooden walkways as magical trails over the forest leading to La Leona falls, an XL canopy in the Canopy Village with tree houses, sky on the Volcan Choshuenco slopes, sport fishing, horseback riding, observation of native flora and fauna as well also Deers and Wild Boars. Finally a place for everyone and every budget, with lots of nature and awesome landscapes. The place surprise how everything has been well integrated with the environment. If you choose staying outside the park must pay for access to all the attractions separately and is open all year. Best time to visit Winter or Spring there are fewer people and snow falls often.

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I saw this beautiful blue BMW M6 F12 Cabriolet at the SCC 500 SuperCars Event 2014, and I think this was one of the best looking M6's I saw that day!


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Praia do Amor - Pipa - RN

Williamstown - Melbourne, Australia


Do you prefer the colour version or the black and white?

Athlete: João Victor

One of Met Police's BMW X5 ARV's in the old "Jam Sandwich" livery seen in Central London during a large protest back in 2013.

Pre game practice at the Junction Oval,St. Kilda,Melbourne on a Saturday afternoon in July.

More action from Rayne CC v High Easter CC.

Naga wrestling at the Hornbill festival, Dec 2014

Foto ripresa dalla passerella ciclo-pedonale sulla linea Milano - Venezia.

A destra il doppio binario delle linee del passante di Milano (S5/S6) con la fermata di Segrate. In centro la linea per treni rapidi, interregionali e regionali. A sinistra la linea merci dello scalo di Milano - Smistamento con un treno merci in transito che trasporta ferraglia




Segrate (Milan).

Image taken from the cycle-pedestrian bridge on the railway line Milan - Venice.

To the right of the double-track lines of the Milan Passante (Passing) railway (S5 / S6 lines) with the stop of Segrate. In the center, the double-track line for Hi-Speed trains, InterCity and regional express. To the left, the line of the freight yard of Milan - Smistamento


This one has got 570 horsepowers, and the others 540.


Ecole Militaire, Paris. May 23rd 2015.


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Andorra la Vella, Andorra. 11 de enero de 2017. Liga Endesa ACB. En el partido entre Morabanc Andorra BC vs Unicaja Malaga de la Liga Endesa ACB (

302: A big swell was pounding Newport Beach coming from a hurricane off of Mexico. The surf was the biggest in 20 years. This is one of the smaller sets rolling through. A thousand people or more were lining the beach cheering the surfers who made it safely out the other side.

Thank you for your visit and comments .

I appreciate your constant support.


I took so many ballon photos, so please allow me to share some more :-))

This Slovakian Track Machine was a blast to work with. Part of a sports series I am doing.


Special Thanks to. Ryan, Gerry, Lindsey, Jay, Veronica, and Joel for helping make this shoot a success. And God for giving us awesome weather and good friends.


Strobist. 2 ab1600 (bare) behind model, left and right. 1600 with a mid size octabox behind camera raise up about 7 feet.


Post in Lightroom, and a little in Photoshop


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Canon Eos 6D, Canon EF 17-40mm f/4 L USM




With his win today at the US Grand Prix at Circuit of the Americas in Austin, Lewis Hamilton clinched his third Formula 1 drivers' world championship.


I would greatly appreciate your vote in the 2015 Photoblog Awards (or here if you don't want to create an account). Thanks!


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Sea Triathlon held in Llandudno...this was the section where competitors cycled around The Great Orme...

DTM Zandvoort

2018/06/02 臺中市豐原區豐原大道八段 愛心公園 花博豐原展區軟埤仔溪水域 2018台中市龍舟賽

Formula One British Grand Prix 2015 - Silverstone


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Merci à toutes et tous pour vos commentaires et invitations!!!

je serais de retour début septembre encore plus en forme! :)))


Je risque de ne pas être très actif sur flickr, alors bonne vacances à toutes et tous et à bientôt Erwan....


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(c) Diego Mola

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I'm quite happy with this capture, it may not look too sharp, but I liked the timing on this one:))

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